My son is 4 1/2 months old, but he was born early so his adjusted age is 2 1/2 months. I'm having a hard time figuring out which age to go by with some of the BW techniques. I try to go by what the pediatrician uses, but it seems like for some things they consider his real birthdate, for example they want to try him on solids in a couple of weeks, and for other things they consider his adjusted age, such as for when he will crawl and walk. So would I use a 3 or 4 hour EASY? I have tried him on a 3 and a 4 hour feeding schedule and he is kind of a finiky eater (he also is on reflux medication) so it doesn't seem to make a difference. He only takes 3-4 oz no matter how hungry he is and how long it has been since the last feeding. So far I am working on a 9am-9pm schedule because 9:30pm bedtime seems to work for him so far and he will not eat in the morning before 9am no matter how long it has been between feedings. I would like to eventually work back to a 7am-7pm but I would be happy for just some consistancy right now.