I have a very similar situation with my 5 month old. Previously he slept well, often waking but not for long. The last month has been a complete change, waking every 1-2 hours, sometimes less, and difficult to put back to sleep. Sounds similar to yours, sleeps for several hours initially but is then awake often throughout the rest of the night. He is teething as well, and has gone through a growth spurt recently. It sounds like both our situations might possibly related to teething and developmental reasons. He was also previously a 45 minute napper, but I used PU/PD to increase his nap time and he is gradually starting to nap longer which I think is helping. Perhaps longer naps may help your LO too?
I too often feel that I will not be able to fix his bad habits, but I keep at our routine with the knowledge that things should improve if we are patient and consistent. I hope the same for you as well! Good luck!