Thank you all for your quick responses! I really appreciate the advice about the rice cereal. I'll stop putting it in his bottle STAT. I also up'd his formula bottles to 8oz today. He's been finishing them at every meal, so I think he needed that few more ounces. I've been trying to keep him awake longer, but by the 2 hour mark, he's so grouchy, rubbing his eyes, etc that I put him down before he gets OT. Is that the right thing to do? Also, since we just started solids, we're only eating carrots for breakfast and I'm only feeding him about 3 tsp. He finishes all if quickly (he really likes it). Can I feed him more than that? I also follow the carrots with a bottle. Also, when he does wake at 0400, should I give him a full feeding, or less in an effort to work him through that waking period? This site is SO awesome, especially for us new mommies! Thanks again for sharing all your wisdom!