I think we have gone seriously wrong somewhere. I read an interview somewhere and it said that it if was still going on after 10 days then it wasn't being done right. I just can't seem to win with him at the moment. If we have a rough night then he gets up late which means he naps late, which then means he goes to bed late and the cycle continues. If I try to break it and keep him up so that he goes to bed at the normal time then he is cranky and won't go to sleep!
He is also now just screaming when he goes in his cot for the first sleep of the night. He will cry and cry and cry with my shhhing over it. You can see his is exhausted, his eyes are closed and he is trying to sleep but he just won't let go. Then he just gets really hot and worked up.
I am literally going round in circles and it's becoming a downward spiral. Where am I going wrong? I want to abandon it all for a few days to get some sleep, but I can't even do that because he still doesn't sleep!