Let me start by saying that I feel as though I've turned a corner... I did a lot of reading of other posts on Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning and something in me just clicked and I realised that I was obsessing about the 'schedule' and was so focussed on how much sleep she should have/must have/was missing out on, I'd completely lost the plot and wasn't even enjoying her. So having read some other 3 hour routines I now feel our routine is in the realms of normal and not completely weird.
I try to start at 7-7.30am, but she is very inconsistent, and it can be 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30 or 8.00am
, basically from whenever she starts I try to work to three hours. So 7, 10, 1, 4, 7pm for eating. She normally shows good healthy tired signs an hour from her feed (so if I feed at 7, I nappy change, and then Activity, but by 8am she is on her 2nd or 3rd yawn and is knawing on her fist (her classic tired sign). So I go into 4S windown and then shh/pat if necessary.... and then that could take anything from 15mins through to an hour or 1.5 hours. Activities are normally some time in the bouncer showing her a squeeky toy, reading a book, or singing a song, tummy time or time on her back on the activity mat (with mobile above). I never do anymore than 1-2 of these in a cycle. Then after the 4pm feed we bath, massage, cuddle and winddown for bed. I regularly bump the 7pm feed back to 6.30 to help knock her out for the night.
Throughout the day she consistently wakes early for the next feed (never sleeps right up to feed time). So if I fed at 7am, put her down at 8am, she would often wake at 9am and I couldn't get her back to sleep... so then she'd go straight into A again, which was wrong because A should come after E... I got quite worked up about this as it happened every cycle.
But after reading other posts, I realise that most bubs do this, so now I'm not so worried.
I've tried the DF a few times but I could never get her to take it, except once, but she only got a few minutes in and then closed her mouth and turned her head away and I couldn't get her back on... so I just do that last feed around 7pm. She then wakes anywhere between 11 and 3 for a feed, goes straight back to sleep and then wakes somewhere between 5 and 8am and we start again.
HOWEVER... since I've 'turned my corner' on Saturday things have been a bit smoother and far more relaxed... we had a great weekend and last night she went to bed at 7.30pm and didn't wake till 3am
went straight back to sleep and woke just before 7am. Put herself to sleep at 8am (I literally kissed her and said time for sleep and she closed her eyes and I walked out). She slept till 10.15am
at which time I woke her to feed (that's a whopping 2 and a 1/4 hours of sleep!!!). I put her back to bed at 11.30 and after 5 minutes of quiet sitting, lay her down said 'time to sleep' and she put herself to sleep AGAIN! She woke at 12.45 and I fed at 1pm. I've just put her down again at 1.40pm and she has again put herself to sleep... this is just to good to be true
I really hope (now that I'm trying to be relaxed about it and watch her signs rather than the clock) that this could be the start of a new and improved routine....
I've also tried to keep her up just a tad longer than I normally do, and I've also stopped patting her so much, which I think I was overdoing a bit before and I think it was becoming a prop for her. I only shh/pat now if I REALLY need to. All of this combined seems to be working (fingers crossed!)
Sorry for the long post! If you see any glaring holes in my EASY please comment, I need all the help I can get.