Thanks for your reply.
Yesterday went like this:
5.45 up - happy and ready to go. Would not settle down to sleep.
6.30 Bottle.
6.30-9 A time
9.20 -10.40 Nap
10.40 Bottle+solids
10.40-12.30 pm A time
12.45-2.30 Nap
2.30-5 bottle, solids, A. At 5 she was so tired, but just couldn't settle down for entire hour, so I just quickly changed her, gave her bottle and settled her down for the night. She slept pretty well, woke up at 4.30 am, I gave her just a couple oz's, she wiggled in her crib for about 30 mins and then fell asleep and slept until 7. Today was a little bit more like her normal day.