I"m guessing the hyper-ness is actually OT - that's exactly what my dd is like when she's OT. Her routine is really consistent (unless we're out or she's sick):
7:30 - wake (rarely earlier than 7 and sometimes she'll sleep in til 8ish), milk with mommy on waking
8:30/9 - breakfast
10:30 - snack
12is - lunch
1 - nap (again, sometimes it's no snack, lunch at 11:30, nap at 12:30)
3/4/4:30 - up from nap (I'd say average is 3:30), snack upon waking
6 - dinner
7:15 - start bedtime routine, in bed by 7:45/8, usually chats to herself for 15 or so min before falling asleep
We've been on that routine since she went to 1 nap at 14 mos....bedtime has gotten later, nap has gotten shorter and is more often at 1 (it was more often at 12:30 when she was first on just 1 nap)
Abby is still in a crib, so I don't have to worry about getting out of the crib....so on that one, I'd say just keep being consistent. 1 month in the new bed isn't really all that long, so it could still be some boundary testing - again, why that consistency is so important (if you can convince dh of that it will definitely help).
hth and let me know how you get on!