Author Topic: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep  (Read 2312 times)

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Re: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2009, 02:13:49 am »
Jean can you PM me on your reasons for cutting. I am wondering if it will help me with Jarrah.


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Re: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2009, 17:34:47 pm »
How is it going Jen?  Hugs to you and Zach (and Ryan :-).


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Re: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2009, 14:31:06 pm »
I stopped giving a bedtime snack, because it seemed silly to be feeding him a snack 45min after we'd finished supper (at most, there's an hour between when we finish supper and his bedtime, MAYBE hour and a half).  And I started getting more NWs.  And he seemed hungry, because I would take him out (at 2am) and let him have some more milk, and he would guzzle.

So last night I gave him cereal again before bed, and he slept from 7:30pm-7:30am. ahhhhhhh.  So, I wonder if maybe he's just not eating ENOUGH at supper - although really, I cram as much food into him as I can, but often he just spits it out again.  I feed him whatever we're having for supper, and I don't want to get in to making "special" meals for him just so he'll eat more...
anyway, that seemed to work last night, so I'll keep it up and hopefully Ill see more good nights ;)


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Re: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2009, 04:11:46 am »
Great that last night worked!  It sounds like you have broken the milk cycle; now to keep him from getting hungry at night.  I think the snack sounds like the easiest way.  Then you don't have to prepare a different meal, but then you can just add something before bed.  LOL, we have the same dilema about making only one meal that includes Heath.  We all have different tastes for food in this house.

A side note that our pedi suggested something like a meat/protien before bed.  I haven't had to try different bedtime snacks, so I don't know if anything works better than another.  Just something to add that she mentioned.  I think if he likes the cereal, stick with that.  At least you know he will eat enough?

Fingers crossed for another good night!


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Re: 16month old still *requires* his bottle to fall asleep
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2009, 14:26:13 pm »
Thanks Jean :)