I'm trying to get my lo who is 23 weeks to take a bottle. He used to take them for quick top ups until he was about 12 weeks old and then started to refuse. I have randomly tried to give a bottle over the last few weeks with no joy. He is still feeding all through the night and I'm desperate for my dh to be able to do the odd feed to take the pressure off me a little. Then of course there is the return to work thing!
So today I thought I'd better try properley to try to avoid prolonging the agony for both of us
![Sad :(](https://smiley.babywhispererforums.com/Smileys/classic/sad.gif)
I'm a bit of a softy with him and hate to see him cry, especially if I feel I can stop it.
So I was brave today - bf him at 7.20am (he took a very short feed only) and then at the next feed gave him a bottle which he wouldn't take. After another nap he took he took about 2oz - prob about 11.30am. Then I kept offering and he kept refusing. Actually sometimes he would even grab the bottle and put it in his mouth, suck a few times and then stop. He got hungry but was always quite easy to distract and put off for another 30 mins or so. But he held out until I breast fed him before bed at 6.30pm. I itend to bf at NWings tonight and see what happens. But one of my problems is that he feeds at night and very little during the day.
Its so hard to know how to proceed - should I try the same tomorrow - but perhaps stop the breast after the last night feed.
He does take solids but still in the very early stages of weaning so not taking a significant amount yet.
I'm scared to do a complete cold turkey when he isn't on enough solids yet but maybe that is what I should be doing? But I did give it 11 hrs today with no real break through.
I'm trying to get to mixed feeding at the end with an early morning bf and bedtime bf.