Hey guys
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Thanks for your support, I talked to my husband last night and he is going to come to the doctors with me, hoping he will talk some sense into them, also will see a different doctor , one who we've had luck with in the past.
I do agree milk is important but I know a lot of people who've had their babies go off milk esoecially by this age so I suppose thats why it's not bothered me or the medics Ive seen.
I stood my ground last night with dinner, in that althought I think she'd barely touched it after 90 minutes I just gave up and said fine thats bed time. I was ctually thinking I could make a little video of her eating for those of you who dont understand how she refuses food hee hee but Im sure the file size would be too big to upload here.
As of today after all of your conformations that I should follow the 30 minute rule I am going to stick to this. Im not sure if it will make her eat but anything is worth a shot right?
To those of you who have suggested finger foods - a few queries here- she has no teeth so is she really going to be able to eat enough nutrition without being able to chew with teeth? Also does the thirty minute rule apply if shes finger feeding? Can I mix finger fed meals with spoon led meals - eg do lunch and breakfast finger fed and tea as a spoon meal perhaps? Just finger feeding, I feel limits exploring new tastes. She used to finger feed - carrots, biscuits,bread,cheese,crackers, tofu,peaches, banana but are there any suggestions of other ideas apart from the obvious for a baby with no teeth?
Mimi - what is "BLW" ? How did you overcome your solid aversion?
Shiv - yes Im more than happy to follow through with the milk plan but I think the idea Ive had is to offer milk all day and then come bed time if she hasnt taken any liquid, at this point I will give her juice just so I dont have an idea in my head of her being uncomfortable through the night from needing a drink. how's that sound?
There's lots of advice asbout trying to relax and I completely get this but I wonder if I am too relaxed in front of her. I dont play "here comes the aeroplane" or anything like that and during the day when hubbys at work we just sit together at meal times both with food, TV on and just have a little chat... I wonder if I dont make it clear enough that its actually time to eat? I am very set and alwayss have been upon making food "not a big deal" as I have suffered on and off with anorexia. Anorexia is not something you ever get over , although your weight might be fine and so food will always be to me, something more than it is to other people, but I realize this and perhaps overcompensate. From suffering from tis disorder I have had it drummed into my head about nutrition and so that is also why this situation worries me I suppose.
Shiv- Shiv you seem really clued up -you mention doing jobs like this in the past- so Im not sure if you're medically trained of not but Id love you to give me a more detailed feeding plan for her if thats no bother?
Hugs back to you all and thanks again,