Latest news. We have cracked the night waking problem.
DS has slept from 7pm-6:30am for a week now !!!!!
When he stirs at 9-ish I hold back and within 2min he is off to la-la land again.
In the morning I give him a bottle (in crib) and he drifts off again for another 30-45min. I know I shouldn't give him milk in the crib, but it gives me some time to doze and stretch before getting the 2 kids started for the day. A bit selfish, but well worth it. I hate being startled out of a sleep and having to start the day on a bad note.
What worked for me was setting up a stool in the room. I'd help him down to the mattress and sit down saying "night-night" softly, over & over, until I heard his breathing change to a deep sleep. The first few nights he would pop up to see if I was there, so I'd help him down and continue.
Thanks for your support, I have survived another hurdle of child raising !