Bobbyc, thank you so much for the encouragement. It is sorely needed and I really appreciate it. Though I don't wish what we're going through on anyone, it certainly helps to know that others have shared in the same struggles.
Charmie, we're going to take a chance and follow the letter of the book for getting a baby DD's age who has never had a routine onto a routine for the first time. Her heartbreaking, exhausted crying this afternoon as she struggles and struggles to fall asleep... Well, let's just say we love her too darn much to be able to stand it anymore. It just kills us. It's time for her to have some order to her life. We're going to start tomorrow morning and follow Tracy's plan exactly. We will be consistent and will not give up. I will let you know how things go along. Thank you so much again. You've really been incredibly generous and kind. I owe you flowers.