Hey all, wanted to give an update about the BBB transition .
DH put up the toddler bed together with DS, he seemed to be very excited about it (or at least about helping to put it together). We introduced the new sheets with the cars, which are very popular with DS, and made a huge deal about it being a bed for big kids, as opposed to the baby crib he used to sleep in till now.
We left it up to him to decide where he wanted to sleep , and for a week he seemed undecided, asked me to transfer him from bed to bed each bedtime etc. It seemed like he was interested in the new bed, but was reluctant to try it out. We urged him to try it out , but without pressure, and we kept talking about it being a BBB etc.
After a week of him choosing the crib over the new bed, I decided it is time to do something about it, and came up with the following strategy:
our bedtime routine includes us cuddling , reading a book and singing a couple of songs while sitting in a rocking chair. Lately it has become pretty tiresome for me , since I had to lift him up and put him in the crib, and due to the pregnancy its pretty hard thing to do. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and told him one night that we are going to read the bookie and sing in his new bed. I put him there, sat on the edge of the bed with him ,and we did all our routine there. When I was ready to wish him good night and walk out , he asked me to transfer him to the crib. So I told him that he was pretty heavy and because of the pregnancy it is hard for me to lift him, so I promised to tell his father which was showering to come and see him the moment he was done. By the time DH got to him he was already asleep.
The next night I did the same thing, and he again asked to be transfered but I advised him to try to get his favorite bear to sleep in the new bed by singing him a couple of lullabies. He told OK, and I heard him singing for a while and he was asleep in 15 min.
From that night on he stopped asking about the crib.
The next weekend he got to nap in his new bed for the first time- it was the first nap in there, cause he usually naps at daycare. I thought he might ask for the crib, but I guess a week of sleeping in his BBB was enough to get him used to it.
So yesterday, after he slept a whole week in his new bed, DH and DS took the crib apart and we transferred it to storage. We told DS that his crib was very grateful to him for his sleeping in the new bed and giving it an opportunity to "rest" and so it asked to give him a present - a new car set, what else
That's it, all'n'all it was pretty relaxed and unexciting transition. Now all is left to see how he will react when we open the crib for the newborn in a couple of months... We will wait and see I guess