Author Topic: Starting solids - getting bumpy  (Read 635 times)

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Starting solids - getting bumpy
« on: February 24, 2009, 15:46:44 pm »
Hmmm - ds is now 24 weeks. He has reflux and I was advised to start weaning him at 20 weeks due to this and also to increase his daytime calories. We was ebf and essentially reverse cycling - not taking any milk during the day and then waking for bf every 2-3 hors at night. Partly due to daytime distractability and also his reflux I now believe.

I have just introduced bottles and he is currently having 4hrly feeds during the day - either a bf or bottle of 50:50 ebm and formula.

I was also advised to start 3 meals a day - he was having 1-2 only. Don't know why I bother really though as he often has nothing at all 3 times.

He is now really quite constipated - passing little pellets 2-3 times per day. I was giving him 'cream of veg/ fruit puree with baby rice and milk. I think the baby rice has bunged him up - but he never took more than 1oz of solids and usually much less than that. Might be the formula also.

Now I'm using bottles he is taking more milk and waking less at night, so I guess is a bit less hungry during the day. Oh and I'm sure his relux and his constipation are making him uncomfortable and not want to eat.

How do we fix this? I'm thinking focus on the milk first, and just one meal a day again? Or maybe forget it and just start BLW in 10 days time?

I'm sure he was ready as he used to love his solids - but I guess his tummy is now upset and the novelty of sitting down for a spoon feed has worn off too?

I'm mildly irritated at myself for allowing this to happen - solids does not help NWings - but I didn't think of it like that until later >:(

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Re: Starting solids - getting bumpy
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 17:18:42 pm »
Personally, I'd drop back to just one meal.  No rice cereal for a few days, but do offer some prune puree which should help clear up the consitpation.  When he's having normal poops again, then reasess. 

The formula may also be a little constipating, but I don't know a lot about that.

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Re: Starting solids - getting bumpy
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 18:20:42 pm »
Yes, definitely prunes.  They are as good, if not better than any medications according to DS2's GI doc.  Prune juice also works for us, and apricots. 
I've found that the only cereals that really work for us are oats and sometimes barley.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline Mimi 2

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Re: Starting solids - getting bumpy
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 19:40:24 pm »
ITA.  Just cut back on the solids and do one meal/day.  Formula-fed babies do tend to have firmer bms but I don't think that it should be constipating.  Do try the prune juice or even pear juice to help move things along. 

If you want to try purees again, try oatmeal or the fruits or veggies as they are less constipating.  Or you could do BLW.  DD had reflux and I found that the BLW route works much better for us.  Here are some info on it.

Remember that solids should not replace his milk intake but be a compliment to it at this point.

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