can i join too, im having major problems at the mo with my toddler who is 29 months. I have a baby too 7 weeks, and everything started from the time he went in BBB. The first 3 weeks were fine, then we had on and off times for 6 weeks then he was fine again, and since the baby has been born hes gradually got worse esp the last week.
Its happening for both nap and bedtimes now, hes becoming totally hyper, overtired, easily frustrated difficult etc etc all the tim cos hes not gettin enough sleep I know part of it is to do with the baby and just attention seeking. I have been experienting with different times, earlier, later nothing seems to make any difference.
I spoke with the CHN she suggested changin his rountine slightly which i did, but cos most of the time his bedtime gets rushed cos of dealin with the baby he just doesnt wind down and become relaxed enough, hes not napped for 3 days now and is taking about 2 hours to fall to sleep, hes only gettin about 10 - 11 hours sleep each day.
What happens, is i do wind time as best as i can, normally
5pm - tea
5.30 pm - tidy up toys
5.45pm - bath
6pm - tv
6.15pm milk, stories and kiss
As soon as i am about to kiss him, he begs and pleads for another story, i just ignore him, kiss him and say goodnight, BUT he either moans or cries, gets out of bed, and messes around in his room until hes exhausted and crashes.
Yesterday he kept cryin (which he normally doesnt do, but i think hes doing it cos he knows when the baby cries he gets attention).
I cant commit myself properly yet to dealin with it 100% in case i have to deal with the baby, my partner isnt always home in time, and we live in australia, all my family in uk, so dont have anyone to help.
I really dont know what to try, its really effectin him now, which is also effectin me and my partner too.
I know what the problem is, and have read ways i can try and make it better, but they all require total commitment. I think i mite try his music cd back on again, and maybe try an alarm clok, so when it beeps story time over and time for bed, and introduce a sticker chart for stayin in bed, if hes good all week he can have a treat, if not he gets nothing.
Anu other suggestions, anyone had any success tryin anything?
tracy xxxxx