DS is 6 months old and I think this may be ONE of our MANY problems regarding short naps
However, DS is always looking for something to do or entertain him, so I don't know how to avoid overstimulating him. I always have to surround him with toys or put him in his activity centre, where he bounces and screeches like crazy until he's OT/OS (he has lots of fun in the process). I don't have any ideas for anything mellow to do with him, he won't sit still for more than 30 seconds! I'm beginning to think he's a little on the spirited side
If I put him on his back on the floor, he keeps rolling onto his tummy. Then he gets to his tummy, looks around for a minute, then screams because he can't go anywhere. It drives me crazy, he knows how to roll back to his back, and he could try and crawl but he'd rather fuss! Then he gets all worked up until I pick him up or put him back on his back. I try sitting in his room and reading to him, but he grabs the book and tries to eat it, and if I don't let him he screams or cries. Forget just sitting quietly with him, he gets all worked up trying to grab everything in sight, the bookshelf, the blanket on my chair, my clothes, my hair!! What can I do with him that will help calm him down?