Author Topic: My EASY is all over the place  (Read 638 times)

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My EASY is all over the place
« on: March 04, 2009, 17:10:10 pm »
Hi everyone, i hope you can give me some advice.

We have done kind of EASY since birth. We have had ups and downs, 8 weeks of 30-45 min naps :o up in the night for hours all sorts of stuff but i must admit that we are in a much happier place of late. however my lo is nearly 5 months, next monday he will be and we do not have a consistant feeding schedule, sometimes its 3 hours, sometimes 3.5 or 4 and has been 2.5 and its not really that he is demanding it, he isnt a really hungry baby, he can easily go 4 hours but his A time is around 1.4 in the morning and maybe a little longer the rest of the day. the last couple of weeks he has slept from 7 ish til 6 ish with maybe a little wake up to shout or have a cuddle, sometimes he will eat a little but nothing major that i cant cope with.
my question that i need help with is this, we are going to start solids next month and i know this will throw lots of spanners in our day. i need to be on a 4 hour easy dont i? how on earth do i do it when nothing is consistent.
the first nap this morning was 2.5 hours, yesterday was 1.5 the second nap today was 1.5 yesterday was 45mins.
do i say to myself that i will only feed at 4 hour mark and try to fiddle the naps around this? in order to get to the 4 hour easy?  he is bf although i have been expressing as he is sooo fidgety and distracted that sometimes he hardly eats at all.i have tried to do the transition in the book but you can bet your bottom dollar that he messes it all up at the very beginning of the day and then i dont know what to do.
he is such a lovely little thing and a happy sole. i dont want to change things so much that it gets to how it used to be but i am really dreading starting solids as i know we arent on the right routine to make it work.
oh yes and the last 2 nights we have had nw's starting at 12 and then every 3 hours which he hasnt done for a while which is why i am thinking that i need to change the routine.

sorry this is really rambly but i hope you get my gist.

this is our routine today

NW 5am just shouted, fed him a little but he wasnt ravenous,eventually i just put him back in his cot and he went back to sleep until 6.40am when he was up for the day
E  6.40am
S 8.15

E 10.35
S 12.15

E 13.50
S15.50- 16.30

E16.30  just a little 2 oz
Abath and bed routine
E 17.30 7oz
S 18.30 easy to put down tonight.

i am worried he hasnt eaten enough today so i will probably try to feed him before i go to bed.
you see how it is all over the place?
sometimes we have to have 4 naps in the day because of short naps to get us through the day..

Marios-Rafael born oct 9th 2008
Marissa born June 8th 2010

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Re: My EASY is all over the place
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 20:05:28 pm »

Can you post on your routine, how long your lo's naps were today as well as the A time to try and help us tweak your routine.

Post it something like this:-

E -
A - how long
S - how long including wind down routine. 

With regards to BF babies and a 4 hour routine, some lo's don't get to 4 hours until solids are introduced, so I would not worry too much about that.  However, you say that your lo can go 4 hours between feeds, so if we can work on naps, then once the naps are going well, the feeds should automatically fall into place.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007