My lo is 6 months now, and the strangest thing just happened. She had been sleeping for about an hour and a half, about 30 min before her dream feed (which she rarely) wakes for, and she woke up very upset with almost a panic/hurt cry. She is a fantastic sleeper and goes to sleep on her own very well. I picked her up when shhh with my hand on her chest was making it worse, and she setteled a bit so I took her to my bed to lay with her and comfort her, but that made it worse as well, so I picked her up and vraddrled her and it was like I flipped a switch and she was back to a deep sleep. It was so strange. Has anyone else experienced this?? What is it and what can I do?? There have been a lot of changes in the past week. She decided to start rolling in her swaddle in her basinette, so she is now in her crib in a sleep sack and that has been going very well, I was preparing for it ahead of time with leaving one arm unswaddeled and not swddeling her legs, and putting her in her crib to fall asleep and mivhng her to her basinette after the dream feed-so she was ready to move. Also, I think her teeth are coming in, could of just me the teeth? We have also started rice cereal at breakfast and only a teaspoon and only for breakfast. Her dreamfeed has also started getting shorter and she is waking earlier in the morning. I know I need to be cutting back or out the last nap, but really I can only change so many things on my poor girl at once!!
So, I guess all that to ask "why did she wake up so suddenly and go back to sleep as if I flipped a switch?"