My DD has been on EASY for 1+ months now and it has been a wonderful change. I too had big worries that she wasn't getting enough from me by bf'ing as she most often would nurse for about 7mins and then be done and not even drain the first side. You can be assured though that if you were to pump and then give her EBM and she took only 2 oz, that if she had actually nursed from you she would have taken more like 3 oz. Basically this means that babies are way more efficient at breastfeeding than any pump could every be. So chances are that she is getting enough from you in 10mins. I would suspect that she is wanting to nurse every 2 hours because that is what she's been used to and, let's face it, we would all probably eat every 2 hrs if we had a nice, cosy warm place to hang and our tummies were used to that habit! I would really try holding her off for as long as you can and work up to 4 hours. Do you use a pacifier?