hello i have tried to look through all posts to find somethinmg similar, but my DS has just turned 8 months, and has started to wake through through the night, and now i am beginning to see a little pattern emerging!
He is on a 4 hour EASY starting at 7 or 7.30 is on 3 small meals a day, and he is an angel/textbook baby i find his cues really easy to spot, but recently he has started to wake 3 hours after we lay him down to bed at night, at first he had a little wind still, but this is not always the case.
and then he wakes anytime between 4-5am, i let him talk to himself for a while, but then i go in pick him up and he falls asleep on me, whilst sitting in the chair. at first i gave him a few ozs of milk and then he went straight back to sleep, but then in the morning wont take all his milk, so i put this down to his NW not being hungry.
last night never had any milk, but woke up at 2, 4 just picked him up and cuddled him and then layed him down in his cot. he then woke up at 6.30 heard him and he fell back to sleep on his own.
really sorry if im rambling! before i could lay him down right on cue and he would go to sleep now at nap times, he gets a bit whingy?
i just think that maybe i have started AP or he wakes up out of habit because he knows that he gets a cuddle!
please i would like to know what i can do so he sleeps through the night again, and if what i am doing is wrong! thank you