Author Topic: 5.5mo waking 4x/night. How to break habit?  (Read 761 times)

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Offline *Gina*

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5.5mo waking 4x/night. How to break habit?
« on: March 13, 2009, 21:32:22 pm »
Hello.  My daughter is waking 4x per night and I'm 99% certain that it is habit and that I have now made myself a prop by BF every time :-\. As she is exclusively BF, I'm happy to feed twice in the night - a DF (around 11pm) and then a feed later, say, after 3am.  So, if I (or DH) try to get her back to sleep without nursing, what happens if she is still awake and protesting when she is due a feed? Am I just teaching her to keep protesting and to stay awake until the feed comes?  I have not tried very hard yet at tackling this problem because of this question.  Thought I'd better get some answers before I try something only to make the problem worse?!? :-\
Thank you all :)

Offline *Gina*

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Re: 5.5mo waking 4x/night. How to break habit?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 21:40:14 pm »
Thank you for replying Jay3!  Last night I did get DH to settle her and thankfully it worked quicker than when I try!  We use PU/PD and if she starts to make her settling noises we just leave the room. I know now, after last night, that she is definitely NOT hungry every time she wakes as her attempts to BF were just pathetic, apart from when I fed her at 4am.  It was a bit of a messy night.  Lots of wakings in the first half of the night I think due to OT (1.15pm, 11.30pm, 1.30am.....).  We went to a wedding yesterday and naps were short. 
Our EASY is a little messy as we are often battling 40min naps.  These have gotten a bit better since she started rolling and can get herself onto her tummy to sleep.  I'll keep a log today and post it tomorrow but generally I'm aiming for an 8-8 easy so that when the clocks change at the end of daylight savings in a few weeks all I'll have to change is the clocks and she'll then automatically be on 7-7.
Our first A time is usually only about 1hr 40mins.  If she then goes and has a good nap (1.5 - 2hrs) her next A time is 2 - 2.25hrs.  if she does a 40min nap, A time is only about 1hr 45min.  In the evenings she has a bath (or shower with DH) then feed (at about 7.30).  She has a quiet 5min or so on my lap for any last burps to come up then we're into wind down.  She is usually in bed just before 8pm.  She'll either just go off to sleep without any noise or she'll grunt and groan for a few minutes first.  She has a lovey and she sucks her first two fingers.  In my naiivety, I always thought a baby who sucked fingers/thumb would wake less often ::), due to their ability to find those fingers/thumb when they stirred.
I nursed DD1 every time she woke until she was 14 months :o.  Why am I doing this to myself again?!