Have been really really fortunate until now my lo (19 weeks) has been sttn, she goes down about 7.30 is able to settle herself and would sleep till 7.30 in the morning. I know I am very very lucky! However during the past week she has been stirring in the night and often waking not long after being in bed. I have tried hard not to have to feed her and generally feel she is not hungry, I normally use sh/pat in the evenings, when she has awoken at 6ish I would feed her and put her straight back down which has worked well. Last night we had a terrible night she woke hourly, I put this down to my other dd1 having a tummy bug and possibly passing it onto dd2 as when she woke up she seemed to be crying out in pain and lifting her legs up alot, she didn't want to feed but eventually 2ish had a feed and then again at 6.
She is on a 3 - 3.5 EASY, as she only has 5 feeds (no df) and my health visitor suggested I needed to stay on this to ensure calories and not affect my milk supply. Unfortunately this then puts her day naps all over the show as her A times increase, we struggle to get beyond 45mins sleep and her feed times remain fixed. I am struggling to get her to cat nap in the afternoon and it can end up meaning some days she will have been awake since 3 or 4 till bed time at 7.30!! Could this be why we are having nw? I don't think it is hunger, she has been out of the swaddle for 2 weeks and seems fine with out this.
Today looked like this (this was not a typical day for us):-
E 6.15
A 7.30
S 7.30 - 8.45
E 9.30
A 10.40
S 10.40 - 12 (this was a good sleep!)
E 12.45
S1.45 - 3
E 4
S tried cat nap @ 4.45 but not having it!
E 6.45
S 7.15
Have tried lots of techniques to extend naps, she rarely sleeps beyond 1 hour in her own bed during the day, sometimes can get her to sleep longer in her pram, or if we have come in from being out and she is in the car seat. A good day would be 3 naps 45mins, 1.5 hours, 45 min. Also very hard as have 2 yo so we are out and about and am not alway able to spend hours of time standing by her bed trying to extend naps.
Any advice? Sorry this is so long!!