Author Topic: Should I limit her night time sleep?  (Read 759 times)

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Offline amber1808

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Should I limit her night time sleep?
« on: March 17, 2009, 01:51:50 am »
Hi, I am hoping for some opinions please.  I love this board and although i don't post much i get a lot out of reading everyones ideas.  My dd is 25 months.  She has always been a great sleeper with a few adjustments to her schedlues etc.  She is resisting naps and will play in her crib for hours.  I think that it really started after daylight savings.  Perhaps she got overtired from the adjustment?  Anyway because she didn't nap i put her down early at 7 and the first night she slept through until 8:30am.  Obviously she was exhausted as we haven't had that long of a night in a long time.  Because of the 13 1/2 hour night she didn't nap the next day and was back in bed at 7 and slept until 8.  She napped for two days after that but then missed another nap.  Because she is so tired she is sleep 12 hours a night but then she doesn't nap.  Would you limit her night sleep?  She used to do 10 1/2 hours at night and then a two hour nap.  Would you go back to that or just let her sleep and deal with the no naps?  Ideas?  Opinions?  Thanks so much.

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Re: Should I limit her night time sleep?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2009, 03:13:31 am »
H Amber, really depend son what you like and what works with yoru schedule. if it was me (if I was ever lucky engh) I'd like a longer night and ideally at leats a 1 hr nap or no nap but a dcent nighhtbuts tahts just really nee dto see what works for her. Also at about 2.5 a lot of kids give up naps and only have longe rnights and mayeb your LO is making an eraly transition, might be worth checking out the thread for kids giving up naps...
9 and 6, oh boy!