Babies intake does vary like this - there are lots of reasons for it. We are often guilty of expecting our babies to do the same thing every day - but they just don't - just like you or I they have differing food requirements depending on the day. For example they may have tummy ache, and don't feel like eating so only have a little, then later when they feel better they eat loads as they are hungry.
If it is helpful I can tell you what my lo ate yesterday. He does have reflux and is 6 mths now but not taking any solids yet. I mix feed BF and bottles too.
7am BF 10 mins one side
11am 90ml
3pm 170ml
7pm BF 20 mins both sides
2am 180ml
But tuesday was,
7am BF 5 mins one side
11am 30ml
1pm refused
2pm 100ml
5pm 30ml
7pm BF 15 mins one side, refused the other
12am 120ml
4am BF 10 mins one side
So huge variation too - but my lo does have feeding issues due to his reflux. That said he was unwell all day yesterday and fine on tuesday so makes no sense. It is frustrating though.
Sore teeth can stop them feeding and well as tummy aches.
My lo used to be fully BF and we did have problems with frequent feedings and snacking so I understand how tiring it is. That is part of why I mix feed now too.
But what I mean is your body can provide for varying feed amounts too - some will be left in the breast after a small feed that you lo can have as extra the next time.
That said some babies just are very hard to breast feed as they are on and off all the time. If bottle feeding works better for you then that is great
. Mix feeding certainly works better for me. I enjoy BFing twice a day but found it too frustrating battling with him all day. I express EBM and use formula when I haven't got enough - so the same really.
Hope this helps
Do you think your lo has reflux? As that can be helped by treatment - have a look at this and see if it fits