paula, huge hugs hun, sorry to hear you are still having a rough time. poor little abi

on the reflux, hunter is cutting molar number 3, (number 4 just under the surface) and also cutting canine number 1 (number 2 not far away either). definitely messing with his reflux and having a major flare up, worse than with his first molar, think those canines are definitely worse for them. he has acid reflux but was so bad last week that he was even spitting up small amounts every afternoon and really uspetting him. hasnt been this bad since he was little. and he is having nw around 1/2am lasting for 1 to 2 hrs, definitely teeth and reflux related.
long story short, i'd definitely try the reflux formula she was one and see if that helps. have you already tried alternating pain meds 3/4hrly all day, not just at sleep times? i found that was the only thing that helped when hunter started getting his molars and was refusing naps and bedtime.
more hugs
kirry xxx