Author Topic: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?  (Read 8735 times)

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Offline * Paula *

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #90 on: April 12, 2009, 19:21:05 pm »
I had not thought about her reflux flaring up.  I am wondering if it could be the reason.  Although she was only having one formula bottle, she does fine with her juice and water during the day.  Do you think it could be a problem?  I am tempted to speak to the pharmasist tomorrow and see if they will give me a tin of formula nd try it out for a few days and see how she goes.

Sherry, I did try a bottle in the middle of the night, she only had a few oz of it and then threw it.  So I am not sure about hunger any more  :-\  I think my child is going to keep me second guessing all the time.

Last night she woke up at 10:30 :o this is the earliest she has woken.  She then did not go back to sleep until about 2am :-\  I had to wake her up at 8:30 this morning.  She napped from 1pm, and I woke her at 3:30, put her down at 8pm, and it is now 8:20 and she has just fallen asleep.  Fingers crossed we have a better night.

She woke up pretty cranky this morning, refused her breakfast, refused her lunch, and when I check her mouth, she has thrush again.  I am not sure what is going on and why she is getting thrush so often.  Thankfully we still had some meds left, so started her with them today, and she has had 3 doses, and did eat some dinner before bed.

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline libg

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #91 on: April 12, 2009, 23:46:52 pm »
Couldn't be getting re-infected from her toothbrush with the thrush? I would definately talk to the Dr or pharmacist to see if there is a reason for the thrush. Ciara kept getting it as a baby - I had her on 1 med 3x (some bright yellow drops - I can't recall what they were), and it would go away and come back - then I changed her to Daktarin gel and it cleared up REALLY fast never to return.

Poor wee girl just hasnt been herself has she. And is soooo much harder to deal with when you are sleep deprived. I'd be doing the formula thing too - anything is worth a go at this stage!!! Can't do any harm.
Libby - Mum to
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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #92 on: April 12, 2009, 23:51:49 pm »
I would also ask for some different meds. Maybe the one that worked for Libby.

Also, did you rotate and boil her paics last time? I know Lyle got sick in Oct, and I didn't do it the first time he got sick and then sure enough after the meds he got sick again and I wouldn't let him use the same paci twice and that took care of it.
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #93 on: April 13, 2009, 01:13:23 am »
Hugs Paula

Offline EloysH

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #94 on: April 13, 2009, 02:48:08 am »
Paula, if you are interested in some wholistic approaches to thrush to use alongside the medicines- since it is a yeast infection there is excess yeast growing in the body and taking over from the good bacteria that the mouth, gut and intestines need in the body.  A recurring thrush infection can mean the body is having a hard time getting the bacteria balance back what you can do is give  baby probiotics to encourage all the good bacteria to grow again -   you can get powdered form from the health food shops and mix a little into her food.  It needs to be taken for about a month.        Also, you can look at sugar in the diet and limit that as much as possible as the yeasts causing thrush need sugar to multiply.

Offline * Paula *

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #95 on: April 13, 2009, 08:52:36 am »
Thanks so much for your replies ladies.

Libby, I did not think of the toothbrush :-\ will definitely throw those in the steralizer too.  Worth a try.

Sherry, yes, I have been steralzing her paccies too.  Until the infection clears and a few weeks after , I am going to steralize everything on a daily basis and see how that helps.  I went on a pacci hunting mission yesterday and steralized everything.

Eloise, she has had the probiotic drinks, but definitely think I am going to make a trip to the health shop and see what I can get.  She does not eat a lot of sugar at all, but does eat a lot of fruit, is the sugar in the fruit the same type to encourage it to grow?

We had an ok night sleep last night.  She woke a few times, think cause her mouth was bothering her, but she settled pretty easily. 

Am definitely going to give the formula a try again though, just to rule out the possibility of the reflux resurfacing.

Thanks so much for sticking with me ladies I really appreciate it  :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #96 on: April 13, 2009, 11:27:37 am »
phew on the ok night. I hope you guys were able to get back to sleep just as easily as Abi was!

I looked up the diet required for starving the yeast from the body,it is too strict.  I went on one a few years ago, but looking at it now, it doesn't sound good for a toddler. Fruit, pasta, and some cereals need to be avoided as well as refined sugars.  Goodness knows what you would feed her!     Maybe just stick with the probiotics if you can find it.    Another thing I use  for Jarrah that might help from the health food shop is vitamin C & elder flower drink to be taken everyday...  which are excellent for boosting the immune system.    If you can find it there are a few brands that have products geared for toddlers.

Offline * Paula *

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #97 on: April 13, 2009, 11:44:26 am »
:-* Thanks hun.  Will definitely take a trip to our local health shop tomorrow and see what I can get. 

Thanks for all your advice  :-*

phew on the ok night. I hope you guys were able to get back to sleep just as easily as Abi was!

LOL at guys.  DH never hears a thing  ::) it is always me  :(  He did not even wake up when Abi came into our bed this morning when she woke.  We were playing and singing, and he still did not budge, until she actually climbed on him and shouted daddy :P
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline ~Karen~

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #98 on: April 13, 2009, 12:00:06 pm »
Paula - Lol, my dh always sleeps through the waking up as well!

Offline * Paula *

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #99 on: April 13, 2009, 12:19:01 pm »
LOL Karen, my DH has always been the same.  When DS was first born, he wanted his basket by his side of the bed, not sure why as even when he woke crying for a feed DH did not hear anything  ::)
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline libg

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #100 on: April 13, 2009, 21:43:30 pm »
I'm with you on the DH never hearing anything - he's only woken up once when DS was in our bedroom as a newborn, and at that stage he'd been crying for over 40 mins!

Yay for the ok night - better than hours awake! Not quite sure how you reduce a toddlers sugar intake, but anything will be better than nothing - not so ripe banana's rather than ripe ones? Wholegrain pasta/bread rather than refined?

Here's to another better nights sleep!
Libby - Mum to
DS - 3/5/06
DD - 2/11/07

Offline EloysH

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #101 on: April 13, 2009, 22:09:46 pm »
he he    DH doesn't wake much either....  so quite often I wake DH and send him downstairs to settle him!

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #102 on: April 14, 2009, 14:34:53 pm »
paula, huge hugs hun, sorry to hear you are still having a rough time. poor little abi :(

on the reflux, hunter is cutting molar number 3, (number 4 just under the surface) and also cutting canine number 1 (number 2 not far away either). definitely messing with his reflux and having a major flare up, worse than with his first molar, think those canines are definitely worse for them. he has acid reflux but was so bad last week that he was even spitting up small amounts every afternoon and really uspetting him. hasnt been this bad since he was little. and he is having nw around 1/2am lasting for 1 to 2 hrs, definitely teeth and reflux related.

long story short, i'd definitely try the reflux formula she was one and see if that helps. have you already tried alternating pain meds 3/4hrly all day, not just at sleep times? i found that was the only thing that helped when hunter started getting his molars and was refusing naps and bedtime.

more hugs
kirry xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #103 on: April 14, 2009, 17:34:55 pm »
Thanks for your post Kirry.

I will definitely contact the docs tomorrow and see if they can give me a repeat prescription to try and see how she does with that.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: What has happened to my Champion night sleeper?
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2009, 08:54:27 am »
Hey Paula <waving> you've already got lots of ideas. I'm just posting to sympathise, we've got canines coming through here and I think shes only STTN about twice in the last 3 weeks! And we're getting EW too....think we will try the later bedtimes though after reading this post so thanks ladies. Do we think if I put her to bed at midnight she will sleep to midday the next day? that would be especially nice in the weekends ;)

Only one point of one side is through so far but sometimes I'm not sure its always teeth so I've also tried a few different things like WI/WO, praying to the sleeping fairies, drugs (no class A yet but watch this space) asking her nicely to please just give me one good nights sleep, arguing with my DH in the middle of the night about settling tactics, sleeping with a pillow over my head, CIO (me not her) Just as FYI none of these have worked so I'm moving on to the 'it's just a phase and it will pass' phase  ;D

I really sympthasise with going to work after NWing (and EWing for us!), whats most entertaining is listening to the 20 year olds at work talk about how tired they are..... I think I may have to give them my child for a night as a thoughtful gift  ;) 


DD1 Oct 07
DD2 Sept 12