Thanks for the reply. Our DS just doesn't want to sleep... or rather we can't get him to sleep. My wife and I are at such a loss. Shh-pat helps, but it won't always get him back down. His room is warm, cozy with minimal distractions. He has been "sleeping" in his crib for the last week after transitioning out of the bassinet in room.
Here is a look at yesterday and today - with today being pretty typical of how he is. Our feeling is there is something we are doing to cause his sleeplessness, but we can't figure it out. We try to get him down awake after seeing signs of tired or over stimulated, stay with him shh-shh-shh while he drifts off, and 15-20 minutes later he awakes. At first we thought it was the acid reflux, but now... we haven't a clue. When he starts to whail, nothing calms him.
7:18 AM E 15 m
A 25 mins
S Down 8:30 to 9:20 am - 50 mins total - woke up sounding hungry
9:45 AM E Bottle fed - 20 mins (4 oz)
A meds, changed clothes - alert in chair
S in car seat for tip to hospital - 11:00 to 12:30 pm - 1hr, 30 min
12:30 PM E 20 min
A held in arms, diaper change
S 1:00 to 2:00 pm, up for 30 mins, back to sleep in car 2:30 to 4:15 pm - 1 hr 45 min total
4:15 PM E 20 m
A read to him, alert in chair
S Down at 5:30 - 6:10 pm - 40 min, awoke and shh-pat down at 7:00 - 7:35 pm, 1 hr 15 m tot
7:35 PM E 15 m
A wound down for bed, gave meds
S 8:30 up at 11:20 pm - 3 hrs
11:25 PM E 15 m
A none, burped
S laid awake 12:00 to 1:15 - cried, shh-pat down at 2:00 - 3:00
3:00 AM E 15 m
A none
S shh-pat, Down at 3:45 to 6:22, 2 hr, 38 mins
6:22 AM E 15 m
A burped
S slept 30-40 mins, up awake thrashing in crib till 9:00AM
9:15 AM E Bottle fed - 20 mins (4 oz)
A meds, changed clothes - alert in chair
S down at 10:40, up at 11:40 - shh-pat slept 12:00-12:15
12:15 PM E 13 min
A burped, started to fall asleep in arms
S put down, slept 15-20 mins up till 3:00 pm
3:05 PM E 20 m
A meds, did nails, changed diaper
S trying to go down as we speak
Thank you for your help, we feel we have gotten much worse in 7 weeks at this and life is out of control.