Thanks for the response.
I am waiting for cues, generally in the morning its yawns, but for example, this morning he had a bottle at 7.00am, went down at 8.00am for a nap, left him to try and settle himself, (didnt work!) pat/shushed and he went to sleep at 9.00am, woke at 9.40, p/s until 10.00am, no joy, gave him his 3 hour feed. Its now 10.45 and I am going to try putting him down again as its over an hour since he woke, but he is showing no signs of tiredness, just laid on his blanket having a nice kick!
I do think he is over tired as well, but apart from him yawning or getting cranky, not sure when to put him down.
His sister was much easier, she was three yawns and straight to sleep.. The good old days ;-)
thanks again.
L x