WOW, you have a lot more stamina than I ever did!
Very impressive!
I hear you on the time spent away from the other child, too. It was hard enough that pu/pd DID NOT work with either of mine, nor did pat/shh. Gave each a full week and had only tears and a sore back to show for it. The reflux was probably part of the problem there (even with meds), but I think their Spirited (and in one case Touchy) personalities just didn't work with it.
When Josie was a baby, around 3 months her nap lengths took a nosedive and my very first Mother's Day gift was a phone consult with Tracy. I wrote down all the details I could remember and they're in a post on the Naps FAQ board: .
Granted, some of the things would need to be tweaked for your baby's age, but the idea of gradually increasing Awake time was one of the keys, as was getting enough calories into her to ensure a long enough night sleep so she wouldn't already wake up tired.
Oh, for swaddling, you might try the Aussie Swaddle. It uses a HUGE piece of fabric, like 4' square (I used a 52" square cotton/poly tablecloth LOL) and while it's complicated enough you'd have to practice it on a doll (or teddy bear
first a few times, it's nice because it leaves the baby's hands free by the head where they'd naturally go. They're covered by a fold of the fabric, so they're enclosed instead of loose and flailing, but the baby can rub her face on the fabric; Josie used it to help put herself to sleep after a while, and we used it with her till 7 months when we switched to a sleepsack (arms free) to transition her out of swaddling. (She'd break free around 2AM and need to be re-wrapped, restless little thing!
By the time I had my second one, who couldn't keep the same schedule two days running for probably her first two years, though, I spent a lot more time just rolling with it. She napped in the Baby Bjorn at least once a day (I might put her down in her crib once she was well and truly OUT) after a while because my older DD just needed more Mommy time. It wasn't totally BW, but it was what she and the family needed to get through the day(s), and I'm glad I decided to do it that way. Kept her from getting OT, for one thing.
Anyway, just wanted to give you a cyber-high five for all your persistence. Please make sure you cut yourself some slack - OK, a LOT of slack! - if it's not working the way the book says. Some babies just don't fit the mold, and that's OK too.