Author Topic: My DD just cant stay asleep!!  (Read 755 times)

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Offline gilpers

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My DD just cant stay asleep!!
« on: March 28, 2009, 12:39:42 pm »
Hi everyone, i hope there is someone who can help with my baby as i'm starting to feel like i'll never be able to get more than two hours sleep again.

DD is now at a point where i'm confident i can get her to sleep throughout the day as i have been using sleep cues for the last week or so and they definitely seem to be working. However, she only sleeps for 30-45 minutes depending on which nap it is. The problem is i dont know what to do when she wakes up as she is normally fussy and the crying within minutes.

I'm trying to stick to a three hour routine so should i extend the activity time even though she is obviously tired or should i drop down to a two hour routine which is what she seems at already. I'm also worried that the reason she doesnt sleep for longer is that im not producing enough milk. I have tried expressing and usually get between 40 and 50 ml (even though today was only 10ml), but someone said i should be giving 100ml of formula before bed time in the evening.

The nights are a different matter, we have just started to do a DF at around 10:00 - 10:30 and it does seem to keep her down for a little longer. It does seem that i am just sitting up for most of the night trying to comfort her and get her back to sleep. Any ideas on getting her to sleep longer then would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you think i am expecting too much tell me and at least i can resign myself to my fate for the next few months. :)

DDs DOB is 15/03 which means she is just under six weeks old.
She weighs just under 9lb.
She has been using a dummy for around three weeks and finds it very soothing when wanting to sleep.
We also have a white noise machine that she listens to whenever she is going to sleep/sleeping.
If we go for a walk in the afternoon we normally try and go in the times that she is sleeping and normally no longer than an hour
I usually get to sleep at 11 after she has her DF (This has only been done for the last few nights, before this she woke up like all the other night time wakings)


Put to bed at 7:45

Missed the DF and fed at 10:10 - 50ml expressed milk and 20 mins boob

Back to sleep at 10:45 with little or no effort, maybe picked back up and comforted once

Making noises at 1:30 and although wanted it to be 2:30 was up at 1:30

2:15 back to sleep after only 15 mins of eating and 30 mins of comforting

Funny noises at 3:30 that developed into a cry after 20-30. Picked her up for a minute or two but had to constantly put the dummy back in otherwise more crying. Finally back to sleep at 4:15

Up for feed at 5:00 after a quick change. Fed for 30 mins then attempted to put back to sleep but didnt really happen, maybe she got 10 mins. Quite content though until 6:30 when she started to fuss a little but ready for morning feed at 6:45.

Here is the last daily


E - 6:45 for 25 mins from one breast

A - 7:10 Nappy change and new clothes whilst listening to some funky music for 25 mins

S - 7:35 Dimmed the lights and set the scene and she was off in minutes with no fuss. Awake at 8:10 after 35 mins. Very alert and couldnt get back to sleep with shhpat. Fussing developed into a full cry so.......

E - 8:45 for 25 mins from one breast

A - 9:10 15 mins of singing and dancing with a nappy change and a look out the window

S - 9:35 After ten minutes of shhpat and regular sleep cues. Woke at 10:10, tried shhpat to get her back to sleep but no joy so eventually dad picked her up and she fell asleep on his chest in the rocking chair. Put back in basket at 10:30. Woke again at 11:15

E - 11:15 Fed off of one breast but didn't seem satisfied so offered the other breast too.

A - 11:50 Playing on the floor with mum.

S - 12:00 Thought it would be nice to walk in the park whilst she slept. Didn't sleep at all however so headed back home. Once home she dropped off straight after sleep cues at 1:00. Woke again at 1:25 so held her in rocking chair for ten minutes until she fell asleep at 1:35. Woke again at 1:55 but still looked tired so sat in chair again and she fell asleep until she was woken at 3:00. More than three hours this time which was great espeially as the routine was disturbed by the unsuccessful walk.

E - 15:00 Feeding from both breasts again until she wouldnt take any more

A - 15:35 Exceptionally long activity time on the playmat, very alert through all of it and didnt really fuss at all until starting to yawn at 16:10.

S - 16:30 Took a little longer to get to sleep but still quite happy with her ability to fall asleep given the right cues

E - 17:20 Fed for around 25 mins on one breast. Ran a bath and then she had 5 mins on the other breast.

A - 18:00 Bathtime followed by a little oil and massage

S - 18:20 Calmed her down for a few minutes then shhpatted her to sleep.  It took a little longer than usual but she was crying quite hard after being dried.Finally fell to sleep about 18:35

E - 19:20 Cluster feed to settle her for the night. 30 mins on one breast

S - 19:50 Fell to sleep for the night

If anyone has any help and advice to give regarding getting her to sleep for longer or getting her naps longer then i would really appreciate it.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.  :)


Offline sanaya

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Re: My DD just cant stay asleep!!
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 13:18:48 pm »
huge hugs to you sweety.
its really hard in the beginning.
i remember at 60 weeks i used to allow my lo only 20-30 min A time (includes diaper feed wind down)
i also swaddled really tight.
darken the room.
keep it really low key.
shhhhh pat.

reduce her A time and see if theres any change in her naps.
also when she stirs allow her to try and resettle herself.

20 mins is not really a nap. 45 min means ot.
can u describe how you put her to sleep?
Mothers of little boys work from son up to son down.
Zayaan 18.05.03
Yuvaan 11.09.05
Vivaan  19.07.08

Offline gilpers

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Re: My DD just cant stay asleep!!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 15:08:58 pm »
hi sanaya, thanks for the reply

the sleep routine involves swaddling tightly, closing the blind and putting on the white noise. we usually use the dummy at this point too. after holding her for five minutes she usually relaxes so we put her straight into her cot and she falls asleep by herself so there is no need for sshhhpat. If she is particularly miserable we use shhpat and dummy while shes in our arms and then put her in the cot. should we only use shhpat in the cot?

we have tried leaving her to resettle herself but eventually it turns into a full cry. Is it because she had no dummy to send her back to sleep again? She's a real sucky baby and always wants to suck. I guess she always uses it to fall asleep so doesn't know how to do it by herself

she's off again so i better go...