Hayden is just shy of 18 months old. She was getting close to the 2-1 switch about two months ago, our problem was EW, so we cut down her morning nap to 30 minutes (and man, did she HATE to be woken up!) and that worked well in eliminating the EW. Her afternoon nap was generally 1.5-2 hours. Then we went to Disneyland for a week, where she would only nap in the sling and only for 30 minutes 2x a day. She was pretty OT by the time we got home, but was super happy. Then we ended up with the cold from hell and she got a urinary tract infection, and since she was so under the weather I've been letting her sleep as long as she wanted for both naps. She generally would sleep 1-1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 - 2 hours in the afternoon, and have a 12 hour night. Yesterday she was unhappy when I put her down for both naps, kicking and screaming, crying, "No nap, no nap!" and "Mama!" - although she did go down easily after I finally got her grobag on her, and slept for the usual amounts. Bedtime was not an issue, she had a 13 (!!) hour night.
So today, she pulled the same shenanigans when I put her down for her morning nap, but settled once I zipped her in to the grobag and slept for 1.25 hours. But this afternoon, she flatly refused to nap, freaked out when I tried putting her in the crib, screaming, crying, kicking, the whole bit. I took her out, did some low-key activity, tried again 30 minutes later, same deal. Tried again, another 30 minutes later, freakout ensues. At 5:30, she's way OT and asks to have a nap, but she's a spirited/touchy girl and by the time she asks to go to sleep and I get her jammies on, meds given, and teeth brushed, she's full-on ticked off. I actually had to pat/shh her for a few minutes before she was calm enough for me to leave the room. She was asleep by 6:10.
We have plans for tomorrow to be out at lunch time and in the early afternoon, so I guess I'll try a 30 minute nap in the morning and then hopefully she won't refuse the afternoon nap. Presuming she doesn't refuse and has decent nights, should I just switch to one nap (and give two naps on alternating days for awhile if she needs it)?