Just a phase as she realises that she wants some of what YOU have, wants to be part of the family, like everybody else, etc etc. I don't know of everyone would agree with me or not, but I would let her do these kinds of things. I mean, tonight while I was making DS's dinner (chicken apple balls) I gave one to DH to try. He was in the living room playing with DS. Well, DS crawled over instantly and held out his hands because he wants some of what Daddy has. DH wasn't going to give him any and said "No, he can't eat in the living room while he's playing, he's got to sit in his highchair, blah blah blah" and I just reminded him that HE just ate a snack sprawled out on the living room floor so of course DS can too! DS sucked it back, loved it, every bit. And that's really all it was - some teensy bits. FFWD to dinner when I gave them to him, Blech, yuck, bllllbbblllbbbb it right out. ARGH!
I really do think that this is all it is, the imitating and wanting to be like you. If you sit her down at dinner time with all of you, or even if just you can eat with her, or your DS and just eat your own dinner I bet she will want some. She doesn't want an "adult" fork, she wants YOUR fork! Eat with her baby spoon, she'll probably want to, too! We just stick DS in his highchair at dinner time now and sort of go on with our own meal, not ignoring him per se, but leaving him to be with his finger foods. He throws them, plays with them, smushes them, etc and then after a while he realises that we are putting that food into our mouths and he wants to do it too! Then I start feeding him and if he spits it out, I leave him to it and go back to my own meal! Sure enough he wants to eat!
It's aaaaalllllllllllll just a game! LOL