Author Topic: Concerned my lo is not eating enough  (Read 897 times)

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Offline rhi2005

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Concerned my lo is not eating enough
« on: April 13, 2009, 21:48:39 pm »
My little girl is now 10 months and is very petite weighing 18lbs 7oz. Im just wondering if she is getting enough or if my routine needs tweaking maybe. Here is pretty much what we do every day.

7.30 - 7oz bottle
8.30 - cereal & toast

11.45 - 7oz bottle
12.30 - half a jar of veggies/meat

3.45 - 7oz bottle
5.00 - half a jar of veggies/meat & cheese string

6.45 - 8oz bottle

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Concerned my lo is not eating enough
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 22:11:30 pm »

Spencer is about 18 lbs now, but I sure wouldn't use petite to describe her  ;D, her height barely makes the chart! Kids do vary alot, but right now she has about 24 oz of formula in 3 feeds and 3 meals a day (about a jar of food per meal or more) I think your little girl is doing fine by her food, just keep an eye out for if she starts wanting less formula, and maybe needs to drop a feed, we did that recently and Spencer went from snacking at her 11 and 3 feeds to eating one big feed at 1:30. Is she happy and not waking at night? I think if she was needing more she would let you know, babies are so nice that way!


Offline rhi2005

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Re: Concerned my lo is not eating enough
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 20:17:23 pm »
Yes she sleeps right through no problems so she must be getting enough but I do compare her to other babies. Its hard not to I think. She is on the 25th centile. I wonder if I should drop her down to 3 bottles a day to get more solids into her.

Offline Caitlyns Mum

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Re: Concerned my lo is not eating enough
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2009, 10:34:37 am »
I'm having the same concern that my LO isn't eating enough.  She's almost 9 months, but won't eat more than 1 - 2 icecubes (I make my own veges and freeze them in icecube trays) and will usually only have 2 meals a day.  She's still having 5 BFs though and is a chubby kid, so I tell myself she's fine.  It's hard not to compare to others though... :)  I reckon (in my expert opinion - hahaha) as long as she's growing well and isn't dropping on the bell curve (ie if she was in the 50th percentile and now is in the 25th, I'd be concerned), keep doing what you're doing and she'll eat when she's ready!

Offline jellybabe

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Re: Concerned my lo is not eating enough
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2009, 13:25:58 pm »
My ds is now 11mths and was the same. She still now doesnt eat much. I try to give her as much formula as I can to fill her up. She doesnt sleep through. She weighs around 19lbs 80z now. She too will have baby cereal then 5oz of formula, I try to give her snacks in between but she's not that much interested. Then for lunch half jar of food, 5oz formula, I always try to squeeze in some dessert like rice pudding or egg custard, then at nite she'll have some homecooked food, usually thats a fight and I sometimes revert to cereal again coz she dont want her food, try in some dessert again or mashed banana, and again 5oz of formula. Thats about what she'll eat.

She wont eat bits tho, so whatever I give her for snacks like biscuits, she'll just bite and spit it out again. So not helping lol. But I tell myself that when she's hungry, she'll eat. They wont starve themselves, so dont worry too much about it.