We have tried so many BW techniques over the last 8 months that it seems that nothing works.
MY DD will be 3 in July. Since she turned 2, she has not given us a good nights sleep and it seems to be getting worse.
This is her current routine:
Wake up: 6am (we wake her up because she is exhausted from not sleeping well)
Naptime: 12:30-2:30 (varies because she is at school)
Bedtime: 7:45pm (we start with bath at 7pm and we are lucky if she falls asleep by this time, after lots of fighting)
So, basically, I have been on here multiple times and have tried since she turned 2, WI/WO, GW and cry it out. All methods we have tried more than once, and stayed with each for at least a month each time.
We may start to see some improvement but she then starts to just play with us and not fall asleep until 9pm. Also, now, unless we lock her door, she insists on sleeping in our room or bed.
Yes, she has gone through all of the teething but there was no improvements when she wasn't going through something.
Here are some scenerios:
1) Mommy turns out lights and partially closes the door and sits outside door on an exercise ball, so that DD can still see her, but DD stays in her bed. For the next 30-60 mintues, DD will play, sign, talk etc....until if we are lucky she falls asleep or I get so frustrated that I just close the door and let her cry herself to sleep (which I HATE doing).
2) Mommy turns out the lights, tells DD to stay in bed and go to sleep, multiple times. DD gets out of bed and either lays down by the stairwell (so she can hear us downstairs) and eventually falls asleep, maybe by 9pm or we have to herd her back to her bed a 1,000 times until she gets mad and starts to cry and have a fit....then exhausting herself to the point I have to calm her and stay there rubbing her tummy till she falls asleep.
3) Daddy turns out lights and partially closes the door and sits outside door on an exercise ball, so that DD can still see him, and she refuses to stay in bed, so daddy gets frustrated and threatens to close they door and she refuses and she ends up having a fit, etc....see #2.
4) The last scenerio we really hate because it is cruel. We turn out the lights and close and lock the door. She cries for about 10-15 minutes (a whinning cry) and then falls asleep by the door. If we leave the door closed all night, she will stay in there until we wake her in the morning. But if she wakes up, she bangs on the door and then falls back to sleep.
And in all scenerios she wakes up at around midnight and 5am, EVERY night and depending on if she can get out of her room, will depend on if she comes in and sleeps in our room or wakes us up.
Any thoughts?
