Author Topic: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap  (Read 3707 times)

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Offline Amber-Grace

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I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« on: April 16, 2009, 07:19:17 am »
Hi there i am new here but have been reading posts and faq on the 45 min nap and some really good advice has been given to a lot of people so wondering if someone could maybe help me and my lo . My dd is 5 months and a week old has been on easy since 5 weeks old it took us a few weeks to get it right but we got there from the quiz she came out as a textboook baby we made the transition to 3.5 hr easy at 3.5 months which went fine we have never managed to get to a 4 hr easy not from lack of trying believe me !!! we had freinds come to stay and also weaned the swaddle at 4 months so think that didnt help.For most of the time she can  settle herself to sleep either on her own or just a few comforting words or a hand on her chest I thought it was related to not being swadddled but she continues to sleep well most nights in a sleeping bag it is jst her naps that seem to be so poor.After my partners parents left she was in a bad ot cycle napping for 30 mins or less we seem to have come out of that and are now trying to increase her a time to get better naps. For the past 4 days we have been sticking to 2hrs and we have had a few longer naps 1hr 10 which from what i understand is ut so am thinking now moving up to 2hr 10min am just a bit unsure on howthe rest of the days go when she only does a short nap i no her a time needs to be shorter to compensate the short nap bit that is where i seem to go wrong i get the next a time wrong and then end up with ot naps lol ??? when wakes from a short nap she is unhappy i sit with her and she usually goes back off to sleep but then it is for only 10-20 mins as nxt feed is due should i leave her to sleep ?If she has an hr 10 min nap she wakes up happy not wanting to go back to sleep so i get her up and shorten the a time this is where i think i go wrong does anyone have any suggestons or advice or am i jst missing something really obvious ?? Can post some routines if it would help but they are a bit of a mess at the mo hope this makes sense and also i hope i have posted in right place not sure of it being a naps issue or routine lol.Will finish by saying i think this website is so usefull and helpfull it has been the only thing that has not let be beaten by short naps it has helped me understand so much abouth lo sleep habbits i feel that if at least i understand why i can try and fix it thanx for taking the time to read in advance Jade xx

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 17:17:45 pm »
Hi Jade!! I'm happy you have found BW a helpful place!!  :-* :-*

It would really help if you can post your routine.  I know you say it is kind of a mess, but it would really help if we can take a look at what is going on with your days!! Something like this:

Wake up 7 am
E. 7.30 am
A. 7 - 9 am
S. 9 am - ? am

And so on....

How is your lo sleeping during the nights?


Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 17:20:19 pm »
I will post todays routine it has been a ok day

Awake at 6 am
EAT-6.30 7oz
SLEEP- 8am( started wind down at 7.45 in cot and asleep by 8am a little bit fussy was able to settle herself sat with her when she starts to go sleep i leave)
AWAKE- 9.10 am (she slept an hr and a half was very happy when woke up so got her up)
EAT 10.30 am 7oz
SLEEP-11.10 am ( started wind down at 10.45 again a little fussy no crying settled herself to sleep fairly quickly)
AWAKE -12.30 (again 1 hr and 20 mins woke happy again so got her up)
EAT-2pm 7oz
ASLEEP-2.30( started wind down at 2.10 was quie difficult to settle had to pick her up and comfort her a few times stayed till she was in a deep sleep)
AWAKE-3.15 (45 mins now  this is where it all goes wrong )
EAT -3.30 (cereals made with 2oz of her milk)
ASLEEP 4.30(stared wind down then and tried to get another cat nap in hopeing to make bedtime back to 7.30 since we started having probs with naps i have been putting to bed early so hence an early start to out day but no such luk after trying for an 50 mins with no sighn of even shutting  her eyes decided to bath and put to bed early for the night)
EAT-6pm 7oz
in bed and asleep at 6.30

ok so the morning went well and am now thinking to try 2hrs 10-15 min  of a time tomorrow just not sure on wot to do when it gets to the afternoon i think she got overtierd from the short morning naps by the afternoon i think she couldnt settle as a bit ot settled down to bed fine by herself in 15 mins with me just sat her room anyway i dont really no wot else to do as im guessing she needs more awake time i am determined to help her nap better most of my freinds tink that its great that the naps she used todo were good and that i should just accept she is a short napper but i refuse to hope the routine  helps jade xx

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 17:32:20 pm »
Thanx for the reply alexa was jst posting routine as you were posting hope you can understand if not ill repost.Amber has been a pretty consistant night time sleeper since 8 weeks most nights sleeping through or till the early hours anyway normally if she has an ew at 4 or 5 she is able to settle herself usually takes about 20-30 mins she is not hungry when she wakes not crying jst fusses for 10 mins then goes back to sleep sometimes till 7 sometimes a bit earlier but she is happy to stayin cot till i go at 7 since she has been taking short naps sometimes she will be awake in the first part of the night usually around dfeed time but again she does not cry is happy to coo and settle herself i am thinking that since she is happy i dont go and try to settle her as that makes her think it is time to get up lol she is a bit of a character.When i put her down for the night she usually settles herself in 10 -15 mins she is so good at night that and this website has been my one saving grace through these short naps sorry for being long jst wanted ti try and be clear  :D

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 23:47:11 pm »
Hi Jade!! So it seems you have sorted it out by yourself!!  ;) I also think your lo may be ready for more A.  I would try to add 10-15 min.  Those first two naps are great, but may be if you add a tiny bit of A she will be able to go 1.5-2 hrs. 
I think your lo is starting the transition from 3-2 naps, which can be really messy!! It can cause EWs, early bedtimes, catnaps with late once your lo is able to handle more A, she will sleep two nice naps!!

So tomorrow, try to add 10-15 min to those As and see what happens.  If she wake up early from a nap, try to extend it by doing some shpat or PUPD.  If it doesn't work, then have some A, and try for her next nap. 

Keep posting your routine so I can take a look and help you out! :-*
Hope this helps,

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 13:38:49 pm »
Hi alexa thanks for the help thanx for warning me that this could be going down to naps i have a feeling you are right and yes i think it could be hard work today isnt going to good but will post todays routine later when lo has gone to bed anyway thanx again

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 16:54:50 pm »
Good luck Jade!!  :-*

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2009, 17:02:45 pm »
ok so here is what happened today
lo woke at 6.30 woke twice in the night between 12 and 2 but settled herself within 20 mins
EAT-7am 7oz
SLEEP-8.45am ( started wind down at 8.20 in cot asleep at 8.45 settled easy)
AWAKE -9.25am ( woke up happy not crying tried to resettle couldnt do pu/pd as not crying and sh/pat didnt seem to work so got her up at 10.15
EAT-10.45 7oz
SLEEP-11.30 ( started wind down at 11.10 had to do pu/pd a few times as was a bit fussy)
AWAKE-12.55 ( woke up very happy so got her up)
SLEEP-3.15 ( started wind down at 2.40 but was really fussy and upset had to do pu/pd stayed in her room till she was in a deep sleep )
AWAKE- 4pm ( not sure if this is ot or ut tried to extend her nap but she wasnt crying or upset sat with her till 4.30)
at this point i was unsure on weather to put her to bed early or try another catnap and late bed time thought early bed would be best )
EAT-6pm 7oz
ASLEEP 6.40 pm (settled really easy by herself)

so today has confused me a little with the short am nap will try again with 2hr15 awake time again in the morn see if it makes a difference i no it wont happen overnight i am thinking that if she has a good nap first one then try the rest of the day with 2hr 15- 2hr 30  i think this morning ut and then ot by the end of the day although at bed time there was no fuss straight off to sleep . I think my lo is on the lower end of the sleep needs if she has a good night which is most nights hoping this isnt to much of a long transition lol ;D

Thanx for the help and advice Jade :)

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2009, 00:33:21 am »
Hi Jade!!

I agree with you..Try again 2 hr 15 min first thing in the morning for tomorrow and see what happens.  If your lo is having a good night, then she may be able to do more, may be 2.5 hr.  But before we add any A, try 2.25 hr and if that doesn't seem to make a difference, then we can move to 2.5 hr. 

If she takes a short am nap, go for 2 hr 5 min since this A worked yesterday after a short nap.  So hopefully, she will take another long nap if you have her up 2 hr 5 min. 

If she is waking up happy from those short naps, then I would also think she is UT and needs a bit more A.   I think we are very scared of OT so sometimes we keep putting our los down for naps when they are not tired enough.  What tired signs is your lo giving you?

Let me know how your day goes. 

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2009, 17:58:44 pm »
Hi there thanks for the reply lo slept well last night she woke briefly at 4 but settled after 30 mins still asleep at 7 when i got her  up
EAT-7.15 7oz
SLEEP-9.10 ( started to wind down at 8.50 settled herself after a few mins)
AWAKE-10.30 ( woke happy so got up)
EAT-11.15 7oz
SLEEP1pm (started wind down at 12.40 settled after 10 mins)
AWAKE-1.30 ( not sure what happened didnt wake crying left her to see if she would resettle for 10 mins then went to check and she started crying trird to halp her back to sleep pu/pd few times looked like she was going back to sleep but never sogot her up at 2.30)
EAT-3pm 7oz
ASLEEP-3.45 (started wind down 3.20 took a while to settle but again not crying)
AWAKE- 4.45 (???totally confused was happy and chatty for 10 mins when i went in seemed happy so got up)

So i was trying to aim for a bedtime of 7 pm but after being up for an hr she started to get really cranky and fussy so thought to put to bed early instead so bathed and ready for bed 6.30 but didnt settle and finlly go off till 8pm

she did sleep well last night little too much maybe not sure 1st awake time seemed to go well so thought would be ok with 2nd awake time oh well try again tomorrow

at the minute sleepy cues seem to have dissapered she can be yawning or rubbing her eyes even after being up an hour so really trying to go by time at the mo sometimes she can go really quite before a time is up and seem really dossy but not all the time sometimes she seems to get really hyper as well before a time is up

Thanx for taking a look the help is really appricieted sometimes u jst cant see the obvious and im sure you no how frustrating it all is
Jade :)

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2009, 01:31:54 am »
Hi Jade!! I'm happy your lo is having good nights!! That's very important b/c your lo wakes up well rested!

So, your lo had 2 hr A first thing in the morning, and she napped for 1.5 hr.  So, then after a 1.5 hr she had 2.5 hrs A.  I think this may have been too long so that's why she ended up having a short nap.  I would go for 2.25 hrs A after a good am nap.  Then after a short nap, she had 2.25 hr A which I think was too long, especially after a short nap.  So that's why she ended up a bit OT at bedtime. 
Tomorrow, I would have the same A first thing in the morning (that seems to be working b/c your lo is having a long am nap), and then after a 1.5 hr am nap go for 2.25 hr A.  So if it takes your lo 15 min to fall asleep, start wind down routine after 2 hrs so that she is IN HER COT AND ASLEEP after 2.25 hr A.  Does this make sense?  If she takes a short nap, then have 2 hr 5 min A.  (again, she must be IN HER COT AND ASLEEP after 2 hr 5 min.)

Let me know how your night goes!

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 17:57:01 pm »
Hi Alexa once again thanx for the reply so lo finally settled at 8pm last night had dreamfeed at 11 slept untill 3.30am when she woke as we had a thunderstorm she wasnt crying just laying there awake trying to settle she was still awake at 4 so i went and sat with her she went back off to sleep at 5ish then woke again at 6 grrrrrr.Anyway was my dp turn to get lo up he left her till 6.40 to see  if she would go back to sleep
AWAKE- 6 am
EAT- 7am 70z
SLEEP-8.15 (stsrted windown at 7.55 put in cot at 8.05 asleep by 8.15)
AWAKE -10.15 ( yey 2hrs had to go and wake her up as was still sleeping )
EAT-11 am 7oz
SLEEP-12.40( started windown at 12.15 put in cot at 12.25 asleep by 12.40)
AWAKE- 1.40 ( woke after an hr left her to settle herself for 10 mins then went and tried to help her back to sleep up 20 mins later )
EAT-2.30 5oz + cerals with 2oz milk
SLEEP-4.15 (started wind down at 3.40 in cot asleep at 3.50 then woke after 5 mins laughing like she nows stayed with her till she went back to sleep and sat in her room till she was in a deep sleep )
AWAKE-5pm ( woke happy )
SLEEP-7.15 (in cot at 7.00  sleeping by 7.15)

Could not believe she did two hrs this am without waking i think that 1st awake time is working as her naps seem to be extending unless it was because she was catching up on sleep from last night . With the second nap i think as she had 2hrs in the am i should have tried to add 10 mins to the awake time like you said in pp scared of making them ot but end up ut the same with the last nap i think if a good awake time after a 45 min nap is 2hr 5 min then after an hr sleep i think she could do 20 mins more .This sure is a learning curve!! Also i think her 2nd awake time depends on the am nap if it is only 1.5hrs then maybe awake time of 2hr 20 -25 and if she has a 2hr sleep maybe i can add 10 more mins. Think i am finally making progress and geting the hang of this
I was thinking as well with the last nap if she has one she will have a later bed time and if not early bed untill i can stretch her awake times till she has 2 long sleeps hopefully sooner than later lol but im sure as soon as we get there there will be something else getting in the way of sleep

Heres hoping for no thunderstorms tonight i would like some warm weather this week once again thanx for your time and your help
Jade and princess Amber 8)

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2009, 02:08:15 am »
Hi Jade!! I'm happy you are having some success! ;D

I agree with you...That first A seems to be working pretty well, so keep it as it is until you get a shorter am nap.  After a good am nap (1.5-2 hr) I would go for 2 hr 20-2.5 hr and see what happens.  If your lo takes a short nap, and she is happy during all her next A, then we will know she was UT.  You need to watch her mood really closely so we can know if those short naps are OT or UT.  ;)  You seem to sort things out by yourself! You are a true BW! :-*

You will have to give your lo a short catnap until she is able to handle more A, so she can have two long naps and make it till bedtime without a catnap.  I would try to offer a short catnap after 1.5 hr A, have a 30 min nap, wake your lo up and then have 1.75-2 hr A before bedtime.  Your bedtime may be a bit later for a week or so, until your lo doesn't need the catnap anymore!! My lo dropped the catnap at 5.5 mo.   :o A bit early, but he was able to handle 2.5-2.75 A at that age.  So he didn't need the catnap anymore!

Let me know how things go!

Offline Amber-Grace

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2009, 17:32:24 pm »
 Hi so we had a bad day today am not sure whats going on she had a good night woke at 5 then settled after 30 mins and then  up at 7
EAT- 7-10 am 7oz
SLEEP-9.10 am ( again 2hr 10 settled easy in cot at 8.55 )
AWAKE- 9.55 ( woke up happy left to resettle got her up at 10.30)
EAT- 11 am 7 oz
SLEEP - (settled easy in cot at 11.50 )
AWAKE- 12.45 ( woke up happy again tried to resettle got up at 1.30)
EAT- 1.30 ( cereals with 2 oz of milk )
SLEEP-2.30 ( settled easy in cot at 2.20 )
AWAKE-3 15 ( woke really cranky and not v happy tried to extend for 15 mins didnt work)
EAT- 3.30 -7oz
SLEEP - 4.15 ( fell asleep in pram as was out figured she needed it)
AWAKE- 5pm
EAT- 6.30 7 oz
SLEEP 7pm ( in cot at 6.50 settled easy by herself)

I am not sure if  the morning nap was ut which then made the rest of the day ot so much for progress !! Just when you think you are getting somewhere  :-\
Am not sure also she may be cutting 1st tooth as this evening her cheeks were really red and has been quite fussy with her milk today and took a while to drink .She was fine during the awake time after her first nap thought i would put her back after 2 hr 5 min as that seemed to be working during the awake time after her second nap she was a bit fussy and cranky so i think she was a bit ot by then oh well tomorrowsanother day we shall try again with the same 1st awake time if i still get a ut nap i will increase it again another 10 mins but if it is a tooth ill start again when its cut dont think it is a tooth as her gums arnt red and cant feel anything am not sure
Ill let you no in a few days whats going on tooth or no tooth once again thanx for the help and advice
Jade :)

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Re: I will not be beaten by the 45 min nap
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2009, 02:22:21 am »
Hi Jade!! Sorry you had a tough day! :-*

Keep that first A time for one more day.  If you still get an UT nap, then add 10-15 min and see if that works.  If your lo takes a short nap, then try to go by her cues when you put her down for her next nap.  You have been doing 1.75 hrs after a short nap.  I would try 2 hr.  You are not able to extend these short naps, which I suspect are UT.  When I try to extend my lo's naps, there is no way I can do it if he is UT.  So let's try a bit more A and see if that helps, or if at least you are able to extend them with shpat.  ;)

Good luck tonight! Keep me posted