Author Topic: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.  (Read 3699 times)

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Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« on: April 21, 2009, 05:34:10 am »
Okay so my DD (19 months) has always been a good sleeper and on the high end of sleep needs.

With the help of BW sleep training methods (sh/pat) I helped to teach her how to self-sooth and she pretty much always goes to bed and down for her nap (we're finally down to 1 nap a day) without any problems.

Other than a long spell of EWs about this time last year (where wake up crept back from 7.20 to as early as 4.45am  :o) we've been quite lucky with the odd NW and EW to contend with since then - other than the rollercoaster ride of the 2-1 switch.

I've always had this 'rule' that if DD wakes before 7am I don't go to her unless she NEEDS me - if she does wake earlier she generally chats in her cot and she's sat up chatting and smiling when you do go to her,

However, on Friday morning (4 days ago) she woke up sobbing just before 7am. I went to her straight away cos that's more of 'I need you' behaviour. We had a bit of a cuddle til she calmed down and that was fine. However, she has woke in that state for the past 3 mornings and yesterday from her nap too . . . it's so out of character for her that I'm not really sure what to do.

Any help would be much appreciated - as always.  :-*

TIA. Berni x

Forgot to say that a couple of the times when I've gone in when she's sobbing she's been standing up in the cot - not sure if that makes any difference, but as I said before she's usually just sat down in her grobag chatting to her comforter.

Also, the reason I was on so early this morning is it happened again today - and it was a pre 6.30am wake up (which again is fairly unusual these days). I can't let her CIO but as it was so early I went in and said it was bed time and laid her back down - twice. The third time I went in I laid her back down and put on some music (which we put on at nap time) and she seems to have settled now . . .
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 05:53:55 am by mumofalice »

Offline mumofalice

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 05:38:06 am »
Me again.

DD woke up sobbing again this morning at 6.25 - she was standing in her cot.

I just laid her down again and said it was 'bedtime' - she cried for a bit but seems to have settled.

Not sure I'm doing the right thing - it's just so not like her to wake up crying, but am worried that if I rush in and comfort her every time that I'll be doing some form of AP. Does this second guessing yourself ever stop?  ::)

Am wondering if it's a bit of SA? Any thoughts or advice would be lovely - or to hear that maybe someone else has had experience with this.

Cheers. Berni x  :-*

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 05:51:35 am »
Could it be teeth?

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 07:37:45 am »
I did wonder about teeth - there is one just thru the gum at the moment . . . but she's never done it before when she's been teething  ???

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 00:55:54 am »
Hi Berni-
Hugs honey, I didn't see this post till now- Yes! It does sound like teething and do remember that the molars/eye teeth seem to be more painful! Nick does EWs now when he's teething. Anything before 6-6:30AM I treat as a NW, particularly if he wakes crying. I dose w/pain meds, comfort and reassure that it's night time still...I'd think SA more if it were when you were leaving at bedtime.
Hugs and I hope it passes quickly!
How is she now??
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline mumofalice

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 06:23:23 am »
Hi Cathie - lovely to 'see' you  :-* Haven't been around much lately (as I've had loads going on IRL) - hope you and yours are well. How's your little genius doing?  ;)

Was just coming on to update to see if I anyone else had a theory - so, it is looking like teeth then, and I'm a terrible Mum cos I haven't been giving any pain relief  :o :o :o

I've just been in and laid down my sobbing girl again - that's the 8th day in a row she's woken crying  :( It's almost as if she doesn't know how to lay down in her cot from standing, but I know that's not the case  ::)

Wakings the last few days have been just before 7 and I wouldn't say they were particularly early - but as I said before normally she would just 'chat' to herself til I went in at 7 to get her. She seems to settle once I've been in and laid her down and sometimes go back to sleep (or just chats) - the other morning after laying her down at 6.50 I had to go and wake her at 8 cos we were going to be late for the CM otherwise  :o

The only other thing I thought was a possibility is that she's a bit OT - tho she does sleep A LOT so am not sure how  :o. She's always been on the high end of sleep needs and we've only just got to the one nap . . . but that one nap is almost always over 2 hrs and usually nearer 3 hrs (if she hasn't woken at that point I normally wake her). She goes to bed at 7 every night and usually sleeps til between 6.30-7.00 - tho some mornings she will go thru til 8am.

Hugs and I hope it passes quickly!

Thanks for the hugs, just what I needed  :-* I too hope it passes soon as it makes me sad to hear my DD sobbing first thing - I love lying in bed listening to her 'chat' - in fact I can hear her starting to chat now and it's 7.20, so time to start our weekend  ;)


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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2009, 13:29:34 pm »
Good to "see" you too! My little guy is doing great, thanks!

Hmm,...sorry that your sweet girl is waking crying still?! Never ever say you are a terrible mom- I don't believe it for a minute! Sometimes I miss Nick's subtle cues and then I'm thinking, "DOH!", how did I miss that! I think it's a side effect of giving birth! LOL.

Glad she goes back down easily, and I'd be perplexed too...
Maybe consider a dose of pain meds to see if it helps. Also, if you are into homeopathy or natural methods, you could check into Bach flower treatments, as that helped a bit with Nick's NWs and night terrors.

I know Nick didn't go to one nap until 19 mos, and even now sometimes he needs a catnap in the morning. So we have almost the same schedule?
wake 7:15AM, nap 12:30-3ish, 7:30PM bedtime.
Wish I had great words of wisdom, but I'll give you an extra dose of been there/done that and some more hugs!
Keep me posted and enjoy your weekend.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline mumofalice

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2009, 21:09:05 pm »
Cathie - great to hear that Nick is doing great.
Never ever say you are a terrible mom- I don't believe it for a minute! Sometimes I miss Nick's subtle cues and then I'm thinking, "DOH!", how did I miss that! I think it's a side effect of giving birth! LOL.
Thanks hun  :-* . . . I have to say that I have a lot of 'side effects' from giving birth (terrible memory, clumsiness and the ability to fall asleep if I sit down for more than 15 minutes!)

Alice woke from her nap sobbing  :( - she was on her knees when I went in (think probably on her way to standing). I gave her a spoonful of medicine and laid her back down. Not sure if she went back to sleep, but she did settle down for a bit - and I went back in to get her when I heard her chatting about 20 mins later.

Thanks for the tip on the natural medicine - will definitely look into that.

Looks like we do have a very similar schedule . . . our days look like this (usually  ;))
Wake 7am (on average - if earlier I wait until then to start the day)
Nap around 12.30-3.00 (wake her at 3hrs if she's still sleeping)
Bed 7pm

The only differences really are . . .
On the days that Alice goes to the CM she goes down for her nap at 12.15 and is woken at 2.45 if she's still sleeping - as that's the time of the school run.
When we have a swimming lesson - which is Sunday at 1.30pm  :P. When I booked the course Alice was on 2 naps a day and it was at the perfect time - now it's bang in the middle of nap time, so I have to give her 2 naps on those days.
Wish I had great words of wisdom, but I'll give you an extra dose of been there/done that and some more hugs!
Thanks for the extra dose   ;):-*

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 21:37:08 pm »
Just marking my spot hun, dd1 has done this for a long stopped but started again recently and she is now 5  :o

Will come back tomorrow as im off to my bed now.... :-*
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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2009, 20:33:16 pm »
Hello again

Not even sure that I should be carrying on with this post or starting another  ??? ??? ???

Things have got worse over the past few weeks - and am not sure if I'm missing something obvious.

So it started with the waking up sobbing (either in the morning or after naps) - the mornings seemed to be turning into EWs and now we're having NWs too - and we've never really had problems with these before (I know that I'm very lucky - but somehow I feel that it makes it worse cos there's obviously something wrong and I can't work out what it is  :-\)

I haven't really kept a log of A's routine since we worked thru the EWs last year - didn't feel like I needed to cos if we had an off day I could tweak to compensate and we'd be back on track . . . but this last month is really inconsistent that I just feel at a bit of a loss.

Here are a few examples of what's happened:

We've continued to have EWs (anything before 7am classed as EW) which can be anywhere between 5.45 and 6.45. A couple of times A has chatted and gone back to sleep. Other times I've gone in and said 'it's bedtime' and laid her down - sometimes she will resettle after me going in once and the most times I've been in I think is four - at which point she went back to sleep for another hour  ??? ??? ???
We've had a couple of nights where she has slept til just after 7am without any problems - that was earlier this week . . . so I thought maybe things were starting to settle down - but it doesn't look like it  :(

Before all this started Alice used to cry out nearly every night - usually between 9 and 10pm. I was actually going to post and ask if anyone else LO did this too - but never got round to it. As she would cry out and resettle almost immediately I thought she must be transitioning into a deep sleep or something. However, we don't get the cry and resettle now - instead we get 'moaning' (not really sure how to describe it but it's not really sobbing, iykwim?). These moaning sessions might last a few minutes and then A will resettle herself - but we had one night where it went on for 2 hours on and off  :'( - last night was 45 mins and tonight it's been pretty much the same - think she's just finally gone off again. Am finding it so hard listening to her - I do go in (but don't rush as I try and give her chance to settle herself) and make sure that she's got her beloved Daisy Duck comforter. Quite often she's on her knees and elbows with her face buried into the mattress - if so, I roll her on her side and hand her Daisy. She goes quiet - and then either settles or it starts up again . . . and we do the same thing when it escalates to a louder moaning.

She doesn't fight naps or bedtime - tho she has been sleeping less of late and I'm worried about her getting OT - always been sensitive to it being a Touchy girl  :P She's always been on the high end of sleep needs - but is it possible that she just doesn't need so much sleep all of a sudden? Find it weird that after dropping to one nap that she would also drop hours of sleep too - but I guess it's possible, right?

At the moment bedtime is still 7pm (or sometimes 10-15 mins earlier if she's had an EW - which seems to be most days now  :P)
Nap is usually between 12 and 12.30 - this nap was usually 2.5 hrs (would wake a 3 hr mark if still sleeping) - but now seems to have dropped to nearer 2 hrs - so a drop in sleep both night time and nap . . . not to mention disturbed sleep in the night.

She has had some teeth come thru (no 3s) - and the last couple of nights has also developed a barking cough which I'm sure is making everything worse too.  :'(

Please feel free to point out the obvious - just want my DD to get a decent night sleep. Today she was so tired at lunchtime that she was almost falling asleep whilst eating (have to admit that it was cute and funny) but she loves her food to much to give in to the heavy eyelids. Was convinced she would have a mammoth nap - after a bad night and an EW, but she stirred for a few mins at 1 1/2 hrs and was awake at just over 2 hrs.

Thanks for listening.  :-*

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2009, 21:27:32 pm »
My DS used to (and still does sometimes) cry out in the first half of the night if he was OT.  I'm wondering if going to 1 nap, and the EW's mean she is OT...especially if she is on the high end of sleep needs.

Have you tried an even earlier bedtime?  Early bedtime doesn't necessarily mean earlier morning.  In fact, sometimes if they are more well rested they will sleep longer/better.

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2009, 21:43:28 pm »
Thanks Sari

Am not worried about putting her to bed even earlier - had to go thru the same thing with the EWs last year - so I know sometimes it works  ;)

I did put her to bed a 6pm a couple of weeks ago - we'd been to a Christening and it was an afternoon thing. So I put her down for an early nap in the morning (10.30am and woke her after an hour) and she went all day which surprised me as she does love her sleep. She didn't wake til 7.15 am the next morning and it was the first night in ages she didn't make a sound  :)

Might just try a few even earlier nights then - what about naps? Keep it the same time and length?

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2009, 21:46:53 pm »
How much total sleep do you think she needs in 24h?  How much was she getting before all this started?

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2009, 21:57:38 pm »
Before we started the transition to 1 nap - I swapped the naps round ie short one in the morning 10-10.30 and 1.15/1.30 for 1.5 hours min (childminder would put her down at 1.15 til 2.45 for school run).

Then when we did get to 1 nap - it was a minimum of 11.5 hrs per night (if she woke before 7am she would just chat til I went to get her) and up to 13 hrs. Her nap is 12.15 at childminders - when we first transitioned she would sleep between 2 and 3 hours for the 1 nap - that way if she goes down at 12.15 at CM she can have 2.5 hrs before school run. I usually put her down at 12.30 for her nap - and let her sleep as long as she wanted (average 2.5 hours - but would wake her at 3 hrs if still sleeping).

So . . . I'm thinking that she had a total of 14-15 hrs in a 24 hour period - before it all went pear-shaped  :P

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Re: Waking up sobbing? Anyone else had experience with this.
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2009, 22:07:48 pm »
Why don't you aim for about 12.5h at night (hopefully)  ;) and 2.5h at nap and see how that works?  If the CM puts her down at 12:15 and it works, why not stick to that time at home and see if it works?