Hello again
Not even sure that I should be carrying on with this post or starting another

Things have got worse over the past few weeks - and am not sure if I'm missing something obvious.
So it started with the waking up sobbing (either in the morning or after naps) - the mornings seemed to be turning into EWs and now we're having NWs too - and we've never really had problems with these before (I know that I'm very lucky - but somehow I feel that it makes it worse cos there's obviously something wrong and I can't work out what it is

I haven't really kept a log of A's routine since we worked thru the EWs last year - didn't feel like I needed to cos if we had an off day I could tweak to compensate and we'd be back on track . . . but this last month is really inconsistent that I just feel at a bit of a loss.
Here are a few examples of what's happened:
We've continued to have EWs (anything before 7am classed as EW) which can be anywhere between 5.45 and 6.45. A couple of times A has chatted and gone back to sleep. Other times I've gone in and said 'it's bedtime' and laid her down - sometimes she will resettle after me going in once and the most times I've been in I think is four - at which point she went back to sleep for another hour

We've had a couple of nights where she has slept til just after 7am without any problems - that was earlier this week . . . so I thought maybe things were starting to settle down - but it doesn't look like it

Before all this started Alice used to cry out nearly every night - usually between 9 and 10pm. I was actually going to post and ask if anyone else LO did this too - but never got round to it. As she would cry out and resettle almost immediately I thought she must be transitioning into a deep sleep or something. However, we don't get the cry and resettle now - instead we get 'moaning' (not really sure how to describe it but it's not really sobbing, iykwim?). These moaning sessions might last a few minutes and then A will resettle herself - but we had one night where it went on for 2 hours on and off

- last night was 45 mins and tonight it's been pretty much the same - think she's just finally gone off again. Am finding it so hard listening to her - I do go in (but don't rush as I try and give her chance to settle herself) and make sure that she's got her beloved Daisy Duck comforter. Quite often she's on her knees and elbows with her face buried into the mattress - if so, I roll her on her side and hand her Daisy. She goes quiet - and then either settles or it starts up again . . . and we do the same thing when it escalates to a louder moaning.
She doesn't fight naps or bedtime - tho she has been sleeping less of late and I'm worried about her getting OT - always been sensitive to it being a Touchy girl

She's always been on the high end of sleep needs - but is it possible that she just doesn't need so much sleep all of a sudden? Find it weird that after dropping to one nap that she would also drop hours of sleep too - but I guess it's possible, right?
At the moment bedtime is still 7pm (or sometimes 10-15 mins earlier if she's had an EW - which seems to be most days now

Nap is usually between 12 and 12.30 - this nap was usually 2.5 hrs (would wake a 3 hr mark if still sleeping) - but now seems to have dropped to nearer 2 hrs - so a drop in sleep both night time and nap . . . not to mention disturbed sleep in the night.
She has had some teeth come thru (no 3s) - and the last couple of nights has also developed a barking cough which I'm sure is making everything worse too.

Please feel free to point out the obvious - just want my DD to get a decent night sleep. Today she was so tired at lunchtime that she was almost falling asleep whilst eating (have to admit that it was cute and funny) but she loves her food to much to give in to the heavy eyelids. Was convinced she would have a mammoth nap - after a bad night and an EW, but she stirred for a few mins at 1 1/2 hrs and was awake at just over 2 hrs.
Thanks for listening.