Well last night went pretty well. She slept from 8ish til about 10 to 9, then i gave her a dummy until quarter to 10 when the hubby gave her a bottle and put her to bed. She took just under 5 oz and went down brilliantly! My only problem is that for the last 3 nights she has woken twice. Once at 2 to 2.30 and again 5 to 5.30.
Should i cluster feed her at 7, 9, and 11 (DF). She woke up naturally at 10 to 9 anyway and seemed hungry so this may be a good thing. What do you think?
Oh and today is going ok. She fed at 8, and it took a while as again OT, My child seems to be constantly OT, but she went down after alot of shhhing, but she settled herself which is good. She even awoke after about 5 mins, let out a cry and has gone back off. Will let you know how the rest of the day goes.
BTW, i have to say that i love this site! It has helped me no end, and given me so much confidence in my abilities as being a mom, as i live 200 miles away from my nearest relative so i am pretty much unsupported.
Thanks for your support
Big Hugs!