She is 5weeks old and yes i do swaddle. I did stop for a while, but started again when i started easy as she sleeps loads better. Plus i find its a good cue, to let her know its sleep time, even though i don't think SHe has got her head around sleep yet!
Last night went really well though, as she was knackered! She clustered, (she asked for the food herself) at 4,6,8 and 10 then went off like a dream about 1030. Slept til 0430, back off by 0515 and then up dead on 7 for morning feed, and was back down by 0730 for morning nap! I can't believe that she can be such two different babies. She is absolutely brilliant, in the night, and for her morning nap, but it just goes downhill from there!
Also is sleep time supposed to always be an effort? I read the posts and it sounds like everyone just puts there baby down and asleep they go. I do a wind down, swaddle her, close curtains etc, then i will sing to her, and she will be lovely and calm. Then a start the shhh pat, and it all starts! Granted i do the shhh pat in the lying position not on my shoulder as i find she wil drift off a little better there, (Plus i did it wrong at first so she is used to it that way) but she always has to cry and fuss for at least 10 mins in my arms to get to stage 2, then i put her down and sometimes i will be in the nursery for up to an hour just holding her legs and shhhhing her. She will sleep eventually, but as the day goes on her sleeps will be shorter and shorter and we will spend longer and longer in the nursery. What am i doing wrong?
BTW, this does not happen during the night, or her morning nap, i.e. this one, only from the next nap onwards.
Lele, i did bath her at night the other day and she was great! I didn't bath her yesterday as the meltdown just put everything out and i didn't even get dressed! How old is your LO? Plus i think i may have a problem with fast letdown, as since i have felt my letdown reflex, my LO has started 'Lip smacking' as she feeds causing wind!
Hugs Helen xx