Well Paula,
I decided to see if she would settle herself last night after putting her back down at 7, and she did and she slept until i sort of dream fed her at 10! It wasn't a DF as such as i got her up and changed her bum so she was alert enough to latch on. She then took a really good feed, and woke up at 1.40 this morning. I thought i was doomed to at least 2 NW when she woke this early, but i fed her then she stayed down until 10 to 6! I was very impressed. She then fed, woke on her own at 7.30 as per our routine, took a little feed and has gone straight back off as she is now used to being asleep at this time!
I think i messed up a bit by going straight in at 1.40 so tonight i will try leaving her for a bit and see if she will put off feeding for a little longer to help her get through to a time closer to 6.30-7 am. I am impressed though and the little bags under her eyes are disappearing!
I really cannot thankyou enough for all your support and helpful advice, as my household is now calm and relaxed, i have a happy baby who sleeps really well, and if the evenings go on, i will also get some me and hubby time at night!
Wonder how long it will be before the 6week GS blows it all out of the window lol. Oh she has her 6week measurements and weigh in today so am looking forward to how she is getting on as i am still EBF.
Hugs Helen xx