Hi Paula,
Well the nap i was hoping to go well, was spoilt by my DH doing a rubbish swaddle so she eascaped so only slept for 50 mins! I tried and tried to get her to go back down but just wouldn't, so i took her for a 20 min drive to get her back to sleep, which worked, but then she was messed up for the rest of the evening! She ended up being massively OT after her bath and just would not settle, so yet again she was up from about 7 til half 9 when she zonked and was asleep.
One good thing though was that she woke at 1.20 but i ignored her to see if she would go without this feed and she fell back asleep until 3.30!!!

So she did 6 hours then was back in bed half hour later after a good feed and got up at 7.10 for her next one! So really chuffed with that.
I am just really struggling getting the evening sorted, and she is so tired, but just can't seem to settle. I have only managed to get her to sleep between 7 and 9.30 twice since she was born! Maybe you could look at what i have been doing and let me know if i need to tweak things to get her to settle. Yesterday looked as follows:
E 0700
S 0730
A 0900 - 0930 (nap fell short)
E 0930
S 1000 - 1240
E 1250
S 1350 - 1440 (woke because she escaped form the swaddle!)
S 1510 - 1540 (in the car)
E 1550
(had to go sort my car out, new tyres £610.00!!!!)
E 1620
S 1645 - 1715 (I think but was in the pram as we walked the dogs)
Bath 1730
E 1745
Attempted to put her down at 6 to no avail. Put her down about 6 or 7 times, using Pat/shhh and she fell asleep, but woke about 5 mins later (if that) crying and would not resettle. She was obviously knackered, burying head etc but just won't settle.
E 2015
E 2120
S 2145
E 0330
E 0710
Sorry its long, and i know she is getting very OT prior to bed time but i just seem to have a nightmare in the afternoons and then the evening is worse! Any advice will be great.
Hugs Helen xx