Hi Paula,
From what i can remember yesterday went as follows:
E 0530
A none
S 0600
E 0730
A 0800 - 0820
S 0820 - 1100 (catching up from previous day)
E 1110
A 1140 - 1240
S 1240 - 1330
E 1330
A 1400 - 1430
S 1430 - 1600
E 1630
A 1700 - 1715
S 1715 - 1750
Bath 1750
E 1815
attemt to put her to bed after a good feed at about 1845/1900
E 2030
Finally asleep about 2100
E 1100 (v.small feed) slept until 5!
It has happened again tonight, she will not sleep, and i have tried all the things i do during the day when i get her to sleep, shhh/pat etc, I end up just giving her a dummy to suck about half seven until i feed her at 8.
She is actually still awake now. Massively OT but just will not go to sleep. Had a massive feed off me at 1800, took about 2oz at 2030, won't sleep.
She has been like this since birth at these times, and i don't know what to do to make it better, as she was definatelt not OT when she went to bed last night as she had slept really well during the day! I had to wake her from her catnap, and she gets really tired after her bath, starts looking a bit OS, but then gets ratty immediately before the feed then spends the majority of the feed with eyes wide open, then eventually calms down. I do the feed in her nursery in the dark.
What do you think. I will try anything, as its a right pain when she is so good all day and all night, just the evening! She doesn't cry though so its not colic, she just won't go to sleep. Will happily lie in her cot looking at her projector sucking her dummy (i only do this when all attempts at getting her to sleep have failed)