Hi Paula,
Well giving more A time failed miserably! I brought her downstairs for 20 mins, then did bath bed routine, and i have just shhh/patted for about 10 mins to get her to sleep but i can guarantee she will wake again very shortly.
I don't know if this helps, but she has a nightmare with wind! Today 3 hours after eating she got the hiccups, and it seems to wake her up quite often after about 45 mins. Thats why sometimes she wakes from naps. Tonight wind has disturbed her alot, i know this as when i picked her up earlier, as soon as she was vertical she brought up an almighty burp! But i wind her LOADS and make sure she brings up a good 3 or 4 burps after each feed! I even tried gripe water earlier to see if i could get any more wind up and got a burp.
These evenings are really starting to get to me now as its just such a drain when she is constantly waking or upstairs crying. I am refusing to bring her down, so last night resorted to giving her a paci and just kept going up and replugging.
Its not hunger as she had a massive feed at 4 off me, then took 3 oz at 6, then at 7.30ish i put her on me to make sure it wasn't hunger, she fed but not a great deal, so its not that she is hungry.
I don't know if the bath is too stimulating, as its all done pretty low key, all changing is done in her quite dim nursery, and i'm the only one bathing her, and its only a 10 min max in and out. And even though she seems mad eyed at the start of the feed she was really chilled by the end today, i actually thought she would go down, as she was quiet on her own for about 10 mins, but then she didn't.
I really don't know what else to do. I think i am going to try Gripe water straight away tomorrow night and see if i can get rid of all her wind before putting her down and see if that helps. If that doesn't, then i'll try moving the bath.
Do you think i should try, get up from catnap, bath and then chill down here for 20 mins, then take her up for her feed and bed?