Hey Paula,
Well last night was nothing like the night before, for the first time in ages she woke twice! Once at 1.30 and again at 5. I don't know why that was, but she gulpd 3oz at 1.30 and had another 2oz at 5. Needless to say she didn't want her full feed this morning, i could only manage to get 4oz down her.
I also kept her up for the full A time this morning, but saying she was up, she was out of bed, but spent most of it either drowsy or asleep! I kept trying to wake her but she wasn't really playing the game at all!
Also, it is taking me the full A time to feed her, i.e. 1.5hrs! She will take about 2oz at a time, then will faff, and won't take anymore, so i wait 20 - 30 mins, and she will take some more. The only thing is, that after the initial 2oz, she screams when i try to give her the rest, and i have to shhhh her to calm her and then she will take it. Its madness. Its like she really wants the milk (sucking hand etc) but for the initial minute has to fight it, and will then take it! I stop to wind her when she faffs, so she is well winded and do try again straight away to finish her off, but she won't have any of it! I am beginning to wonder if stopping bfing was the right decision as at least that only took 45 mins!
Do you think it will get better as she gets better on the bottle? How long does it take for them to adapt? She has been bottle fed for 11days now and has had no breast at all for 4.
I will try and give her a slightly longer A time this afternoon and see how it goes.
She is getting a little better in the evenings, she slept last night from 8.30 and i gave her a DF at 10 (didn't wake for it, i had to wake her!) and then straight back to sleep. She took 3oz at the DF which has been about normal, even though the 1.30 wake really confused me. Hopes its a one off!