I have previously posted on the "Naps" board, but I think I may have more of a routine problem, so my hope is that posting here will give me some additional support! I have a son who will be 9 months on Sunday. He is a textbook baby, for the most part.
I am having trouble getting the proper A time for both the morning and afternoon nap, which leads me to sometimes have to do a catnap, which I think leads to restless night sleep and EW. I have been working on increasing A time over the past 2 weeks, but just can't seem to get it right! Here is his routine for the last 2 days:
Wake 6:15
E: 6:45 (bottle)
8:15 (cereal)
A: Until 9:40 (That was 3 hrs 25 min A time---didn't intend it to be this long, but he played for 10-15 min before
falling asleep)
S: 9:40 - 10:30 (50 min---woke up happy & playing)
E: 11:45 (bottle)
12:45 (solids)
A: Until 1:35 (3 hrs 5 min A)
S: 1:35 - 2:20 (45 min---woke up happy & playing)
E: 5:15 (solids)
A: until 5:50
S: 5:50 - 6:15 (25 min---woke up crying...hard to put down for this CN)
E: 6:40 (bottle)
A: Until 7:20 (was going to keep him up later due to CN, but he was so, so tired)
S: 7:20 - 6:10 (10 hrs 50 min---he used to get 11.25 to 11.5 hrs at night)
Yesterday: (Thursday)
Wake: 6:10
E: 6:45 (bottle)
8:20 (cereal)
A: Until 9:30 (that was 3 hrs 20 min A time)
S: 9:30 -10:20 (50 min--woke up happy & playing)
E: 11:50 (bottle)
1:00 (solids)
A: Until 1:40 (3 hrs 20 min A time)
S: 1:40 - 3:05 (1 hr 25 min---he woke at the 40 min mark, sitting up whining. I laid him down and he fell back
asleep quickly...then woke happy at 3:05)
E: 5:05 (solids)
6:30 (bottle)
A: Until 7:05 (was afraid to put him down earlier for fear of EW) (4 hrs A time...too much?

S: 7:05 - 6:15 (11 hrs. 10 min--better than previous day!) (Slept well...no NW, not as restless as previous night)
So, here I am today about to go put him down for nap 1...trying to stay with 3 hrs 20 min like yesterday and see what happens today.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!