30 min naps may mean UT or OT. It all depends on the mood your lo wakes up. For instance, now I know my lo wakes from 30 min naps when OT, but some time ago, he woke up at the 35 min mark when he was UT b/c he would coo and play in his crib for hours after that. So, technically 30 min= OT, 40 min = UT, but I've learnt that it is not such a reliable rule, every baby is diff, so I always think that the best way to know is to watch your lo's mood.
I'm so happy you had a good and long night!! So, now we know that a catnap works perfectly fine with your lo. As Lucy, when I did a catnap, I sometimes got an EW, but as I said, every baby is diff, so I'm happy a catnap worked with your lo.
Sorry if I sounded like I was scolding you!

I didn't mean it like that! Sorry! haha

I agree with Lucy about having a 30 min nap. 30 min is not even 1 sleep cycle, so usually babies can't handle their usual As after a 30 min nap, so your DS may only handle 2.75-3 hrs A after one.
I'm glad you're following along. Your routine looks pretty good to me!

Lucy, I'm still following your other thread, I'm not posting coz I don't want to give contradictory advice, but I want you to know I'm still reading, and in case you need anything, just let me know!

Let me know how it goes