Hi...sorry for the delayed reply! We had out of town visitors come in Friday, and just left this Sunday morning! The PM nap on Friday did not go so well...only 40 min, but I'm sure that it was gas that woke him. Couldn't get him back down for anything, he just wanted to be held.
Also, yesterday was quite messy, with the visitors. I've been consistent with the 3.25 A in the AM, and it has worked well. He had a 1.5 hr nap yesterday AM, which I know I was supposed to wake him, but we had too much that was going on for the afternoon, so I just let him sleep! The PM nap was short, only 35 min, as I waited a bit too long to put him down and he was OT. Was happy that I got 2 hrs naps in, though!
Last night was 7:15 - 6:25, and AM nap this morning began at 9:40. We have plans again this afternoon, so I don't know how the PM nap will work out yet...the weekends do get messy sometimes!
To answer your questions, Toni:
Yes, I think that if he has a 1 hr AM nap, he probably needs about 3.5 A in the PM. That will be my new plan

My wind down is usually about 15 minutes, sometimes longer if he's looking drowsy and I have to try and keep him awake! We usually go for a short walk around the yard, then change diaper, read books in rocking chair, sing song, then in the crib. I have been trying to put him down about 10 min before I'd like him to be asleep. In the AM it has been working out perfectly, but the PM is a different story!