Author Topic: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!  (Read 11951 times)

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2009, 21:46:16 pm »
That was a great decision!! To shorten your lo's As after a short nap!! Well done!!  :-* :-*

If you had a short am nap, but then you had a long pm nap, that's great! Try to do some APOP for your lo get at least 15 min sleep so he makes it till bedtime.  Just 15 min will do the trick!

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2009, 17:31:07 pm »
Sorry...been away from the computer.  Here's the rest of Friday:
He ended up sleeping until 2:10 for nap 2, which was 1 hr 25 min. nap.  I got a 10 min. cn in the car from 5:50 -6:00.  He went to bed at 7:30, but was up by 6:05.  (10 hrs 35 min)  I guess I should have put him down sooner for the night???

Wake 6:05
Nap 1:   9:45 - 10:45 (1 hr)  This 3 hr 40 min A was not intentional...we were out at the park & I lost track of time. 
                                     Anyway, I was happy with the 1 hour.
Nap 2:   2:20 - 2:55  We were out & about in the car.  I was hoping for longer, but 35 min. is all I got!
Did not try for cn, as he was very playful, full of energy, and mostly happy.  I did not want to fight it!

Bed:  7:05 - 6:10 (11 hrs 5 min...much better than previous night.

Now, today has been another werid one...
Wake 6:10
Nap 1:  8:10 - 8:50 (40 min)...He was soooo drowsy and tired, so I put him down.  I knew it would probably be
                                         short, because the A was so short.

My plan was to put him back down around 11:00, hopefully he would sleep about 30 - 40 min, then I would be able to put him down for an afternoon nap around the normal time.  Well, my plan sounded nice, but didn't work that way!  He played in the crib until 11:50, which by then it was time for milk.  I got him out, gave him his bottle, and put him back down straight away (after short wind down).  At 12:10, he was down, but he played around for about 10 min.  He was asleep at 12:20...I'm thinking, though, that he is OT, and am not expecting a long nap.  We'll see what happens!

Why can't I just have one normal day so we can get back on track? 

Kara :)

Offline ~Alexa~

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2009, 18:01:27 pm »
Hi there!! So yesterday was a great day!! I'm so happy for you!!
Ok, so your lo got a 11 hr night with 2 hr naps.  I would gess that's what we are going to aim for: a total of 13 hrs sleep per day.

I don't think today has gone bad at all!! In fact, I think it has gone pretty well...your lo is letting us know that he needs 3.5 - 3.75 hrs A after a good nap, and may be 3 hr 20 min - 3.5 hrs after a short nap (40 min).  You tried to put him down for a nap at 11 am, but that was after just 2 hr A.  No way he was going to sleep at that time.  He wasn't tired at all!! He finally fell asleep at 12.20 pm just after 3.5 hr A.  I'm not sure if he was OT/UT or OK.  Let's wait and see how he wakes up from the nap, but if he was playing when you put him down at 12.10 pm I doubt he was OT. 

Is he giving you any tired signs?

Let me know how things go!

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2009, 18:35:31 pm »
I didn't get 2 1 hr naps was only 35 min. 
I think he gives tired signs sometimes, but he really gives me very mixed signals lately.  Like this morning, when he should've been able to handle way more than 2 hrs A...

Update on the nap:  I'm pretty sure he was OT, as he woke screaming at 1:00 (40 min mark).  I was able to get him back down by 1:05.  Then, at 1:25, DH was making noise with the icemaker, and he woke screaming...I gave him the evil eye!  I decided to get him up, because to be honest, I didn't want the fight.  Also, he usually eats lunch at 1:00, so I figured he would be hungry anyway. 

I know I'll have to give a cn way he'll make it to bedtime from 1:25!

**Update:  Gave cn from 4:35-5:05...he went down very easily, did not fight at all.  So, he got 2 hrs 20 min total naptime today.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 22:53:47 pm by babyboy26 »

Kara :)

Offline ~Alexa~

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2009, 00:24:23 am »
I know how frustrated you must feel!! HUGS!!  :-*
Just remember that this is all about finding what YOUR LO needs!! So if he takes 1.75 hrs of daysleep, and a 11 hr night, then that's what we will have to aim for.  I know that you would like your lo to sleep 2x2 hr naps, but that's not going to happen anymore.  Bubs need more A time as they grow up.  That's what your lo is trying to tell us! So, we need to have him up the time that he needs, and put him down for his naps when he needs to. 

Could it be that at the 2 hr mark he is just bored and not tired? If he is sleeping good nights, then 2 hrs first thing in the morning is very very short! I would try a change of scenery before you put him down for a nap.  If he gets cranky, it may mean he is bored, so change the activity, if he is fine with it, keep him up.  If he gets cranky soon, then I would assume he is tired, so put him down. 


Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2009, 01:52:54 am »
Wouldn't we all like 2x2 hr naps, LOL!!!  I am really fine with 2x1 hr naps...if I could just get the timing right with bedtime!!!

Yes, I am thinking he must have just been bored this morning...I was reading his signals all wrong.  I put him to bed at 7:50 tonight, since he had that catnap until 5:05...not sure if this was the right time to put him to bed or not. 

Well, the past few days have been somewhat all over the place, but tomorrow is Monday...a new week.  Hoping to get off to a great start...back to somewhat normal!

Kara :)

Offline ~Alexa~

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2009, 02:16:06 am »
We will get this right!! I promise!! So, let me know how tomorrow goes.  If he has a good night, then try 3.5 hr A time and see what kind of nap he takes. 

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2009, 12:54:22 pm »
WELL...bed at 7:50 last night.  He started quietly moaning at 5:45...lasted about 10 min. on and off.  Then, it was silent.  At 6:10, I heard squirming and one little moan...then HE SLEPT UNTIL 7:20!!!!!

WOW!!!!!  That was 11 1/2 hrs of sleep...and the latest wake up I've had in a LONG time!  No idea why...but am happy!!!

Since he had such a good night, should I go with the 3 1/2 hr A, or should I try to push it 10 min or so?

Kara :)

Offline LucySol

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2009, 13:37:14 pm »
yay!!!!!!!!!!!! well done LO!!

Do you normally get a good nap from a 3.5 A? if you do i wouldnt push too could perhaps sit and do something quiet like maybe look at a book in his bedroom at this point and keep a close eye on him for cues if you want to stretch him a bit.tho Alexa still suggested sticking to the 3.5A after a good night-she knows her stuff!

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2009, 14:24:57 pm »
He was doing a good hour, or a little more on the 3.5 A, but it got a bit messy last week.  So, I think I'll try that again and see what happens today.  If it's no good, will adjust tomorrow. 

Kara :)

Offline ~Alexa~

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2009, 15:32:23 pm »
Hi there!! WOW!!! Those are great news!! Lucy gave you great advice!! If your lo is happy at the 3.5 hr mark, then you can try to add a little bit of A and see how your lo does.  Or...Just as you said, you can try 3.5 hrs after a good night and see what happens.  Trial and error!!

Let us know how your day goes

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2009, 17:04:27 pm »
He went down for nap at 10:45 (that was 3 hrs 25 min A)...He was definitely tired by that point, yawning, wanting to be held.  He slept until 11:55 (1 hr 10 min...woooo hoooo!!!)  He did wake crying, but as soon as I got him and walked to the mirror, a big smile came on him!!!  He is playing on the floor now, as happy as can be!!!

Now I am wondering about the next is usually hit or miss with this one.  I am thinking that since he had a good night, and a good am nap, I should try for 3 1/2 hours.  That would put the nap at 3:25.  If he slept for an hour, that should get us to a bedtime between 7:30-8:00.  If he slept for only 30 minutes, and earlier bedtime...sound good???

Kara :)

Offline LucySol

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2009, 18:26:20 pm »
perfect! thats what i would do! even a short nap will give you a 2 nap day and no catnap which is what you want,so thats gr8! xx

Offline babyboy26

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2009, 21:36:21 pm »
Well, it was a good plan...but it got ruined, and it was ALL my fault!!!  At 3:35, I peeped in on him, and he was sleeping in the most awkward position...OR SO I THOUGHT!!!  I went to move him, but he was probably just settling to sleep.  When I realized he was awake, I tried to run out of the room, but then the screaming followed.  He cried, on and off, until 4:15.  He was so OT that I had to APOP to get him to sleep.  He finally fell asleep at 4:25.  I am not expecting more than 30 minutes, as the OT monster was there for sure!  Ugggghhhhh...I have been kicking myself since 3:35!

Kara :)

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Re: A time for 9 month old---HELP...I've got it all wrong!
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2009, 22:37:20 pm »
Don't worry hun!! The first nap was good, and you managed to rock him to sleep for 30 min so that's good too! ;) Tomorrow is a new day and we can try then!!  :-* :-*
Try the same A tomorrow morning, if he has anything longer than 1 hr nap, then go for 3.5 hr like today!

Let us know how it goes
Alexa :-*