I think anything is worth a try! You may be right on the OT...you're the expert, not me!!!!! I just questioned that because he had a longer nap on a longer A yesterday morning! As for today, since he had the 40 min am nap, waking at 10:20, he seemed really tired at 1:00, so I did wind down and put him down at 1:10. He moved a little, but very quietly, and fell asleep at 1:15 (which was 2 hrs 55 min A)...so I guess you are right...he's OT if that short of an A. I don't know what kind of nap I'll get, because he normally eats solids at 1:15/1:30. So, he might wake hungry. Should I have tried to feed him earlier? If he wakes after only 30 min, or even an hour, I will have to get him up and feed him. In this case, should I give a catnap in order to get to an appropriate bedtime?
He is 9 1/2 months. The routine you just posted looks GREAT to me...if I could get that long of an afternoon nap, I would love it!!! Would also love the 6:30 wake up!!! I am sorry if I seemed frustrated in my previous post...didn't mean to take it out on you!
***Update...woke at 1:50, a 35 min nap, as I suspected. I tried to extend, but I'm sure he was missing his lunch! Any suggestions on a catnap and bedtime for this horrid day?