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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2009, 12:22:52 pm »
Oh and another thing I just thought of.

As they get older, their tired cues do start to change a bit, so when he first starts to get fussy, you may want to try changing the scenery for a bit, and see how he does that way.  Could be that he is getting fussy out of being in one place too long KWIM?
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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2009, 12:41:24 pm »
EW's have been on and off for about a month now. I didn't realise at first as he is always as quiet a wee mouse in his cot. Reflux is under control (touch wood). I think he is teething but I can't see anything in there. I have noticed when I am resettling for naps he is salivating like a rabid dog! I put teething gel on before feeding to help with that but he's a fussy feeder anyways.

 I have tried moving him when he seems to fuss and it works for a while. He is rolling over all the time now and constantly seems a bit frustrated when awake trying to do new things...bless his wee cottons. He is not rolling over in his cot yet but I guess thats what i'll have to tackle next.  ::)

 It just seems that when things go wrong it takes me so long to ge things on track again...then he changes and I have to start all over again. These pesky LO's!

Barbara - How did you tackle EW's?

Emma xxx

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2009, 12:45:25 pm »
Great that the reflux is under control.

Have you thought about trying some teething gel a few minutes before putting him down for a nap to see if that helps at all?

LOL hun, they keep you guessing all the time  ;)
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2009, 15:41:00 pm »


Thanks for jumping in!  :) I'm not all that experienced in this myself, so glad you can help out as well.  :-*


When I started getting really good naps (2x2h and 1 30-45min catnap) I also started getting EW's.  Turns out she got too much sleep during the day that way.  ::)  I'm still experimenting, but at the moment I have to limit the total nap time to about 3h30.  Otherwise those EW's resurface again.  At least, I think that's the reason, it seemed to have helped to not let her get that much sleep during the day.  But by doing that I have to be really careful she doesn't get OT at bedtime.  That's happened a couple of times already.   :-\  Fortunately she doesn't have a meltdown when that happens, just takes a wee bit longer for her to fall asleep.
Although yesterday it took her about an hour.  :-\  Maybe a little bit too OT...  ::)

I don't know if that's the case with your LO, but I would limit those naps to a maximum of 2h. 

My DD doesn't roll over at all yet, she is trying to crawl though.  :)

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2009, 16:15:19 pm »
 Well today he got NO 3rd nap whatsoever...well maybe 15 mins in the sling. I drove the long way home but he still wouldn't sleep in the car. Oh well!!

 I have no idea how he's going to be at bedtime but like you Barbara, he rarely loses the plot. Just gets fussy and harder to put to sleep. Brodie also seems to do better on about 3.5 hours total nap time in the day...but then again I haven't managed to get more than that recently!  ::) Brodie is making a habit of falling asleep on the bedtime bottle lately as he's tired at the end of the day. I just need to find that magic A number.....AGAIN!

 Tomorrow I am going to write down everything again and post tomorrow evening if thats ok. Then you guys can have a wee looky for me if thats ok? If I am still getting an EW by Sun I'm going to brave it and do w2s...but i will need you ladies to hold my hand!!

Emma xxx

Thanks for helping me out folks

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2009, 17:19:31 pm »
Hope you have a GREAT night!!  ;D

Don't worry we'll be here to help you along!  :)


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Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2009, 19:20:12 pm »
Hugs on the no nap.  Hope that bedtime went ok  :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2009, 20:15:12 pm »
 Hi LAdies,

STILL getting 5am wake ups despte trying to extend that A in the morning...for a couple of days it went to 6 which is fine for me tostart the day with but for the last 2 mornings DS has been having a right old party in the cot!!

Today went like so...

Awake 5am - ignored his wake up as he was not upset but did have to go in and flip back on to his back. He turned again but the fell asleep briefly between 5.30 and 6 ( tummy this ok???)

E. 6.30
A. ? - 8.10 The previous morings I had managed to stretch this to 8.30 but no chance today.
S. 8.10 -9.40 Had  to resettle 3 x after 45 mins

E. 1030
A. 9.40 - 11.40 Was unsure what to do with this A time due to broken nap ???
S. 11.40 - 12.10 I know...OT!!!

He managed to resettle himself and then slept from 12.30 - 1.30

E. 2.30
A. 1.30 - 3.40
S. 3.40 - 4.30 He took ages to settle for this nap hence the long A

E. 6.30
S. 7.15

He did fall asleep inddependantly for all naps and for sleep tonight and resettling wasn't too difficult so I think I'm on the right track. I just don't know quite how far to push him in the AM after the EW. i am just so unsure of what his A time is at the moment and his cues are all over the shop.

 Sorry I didn't reply sooner, Bank Hol was a nightmare but thats a whole different story!!

Could his rolling have anything to do with the EW? He LOVES to roll these days!!

What do you think Ladies?

Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2009, 20:27:44 pm »
I would say that as long as your lo has good head control, that tummy sleeping is fine, but the choice is up to you, if you want to put him down for a sleep like this.  If he rolls over in his sleep, you are not going to be able to stop him.

If you are thinking about tummy sleeping, then, I would probably start it when you put him down for a nap, that way you can keep an eye on him.  You may find this works well for him, especially now that he is out of the swaddle.  I have also heard that a lot of refluxers prefer to sleep on their tummy.  I know mine did.  I am not trying to sway your decision at all, but just wanted to let you know what some mums have done  :-*

I would probably stick with 2 hours A time in the morning, but if you have a really EW, then adjust accordingly and see how he does.

Is he showing any signs of teething at all at the moment?

Huge hugs hun, I am sorry you are going through such a rough time at the moment.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2009, 20:38:07 pm »
 Thanks Paula, Its not too rough as he's happy for the most part but he's constantly OT by thr end of the day. we are having an ongoing issue with ds not letting dh do bedtime, he just screams. So I need to get a good day behind me so DH can give it another go. (he's gutted and feels quite rejected).

 I have found that since you gave me the tip on side sleeping he has slept alot better for naps and when he doesn't transition it is easier for me to help him. I will maybe try tummy sleeping tomorrow.

I was having great progress with the EW's for a couple of day but really feel like i'm kinda getting what it is I need to do now with the mornings.

What should I do after a broken nap? Normal A? I am having a tough time reading him at the moment for some reason!

 I think he is teething y'know. His gums look paler and he likes it when I rub my finger on them.

Hugs right back at you Paula!! You're always giving them to me!  :-* :-* :-*

Em xxx

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2009, 07:33:57 am »
Hi Em,

We've got the same thing going on with putting our DD to bed.  When my DH wants to do it she just screams!  I haven't had the courage to let him handle it and I've taken over from him every time.   :-\  It's just so hard listening to her crying when you know you're able to settle her in a couple of minutes.  She also does this for naps.  It's kind of annoying, because now I always have to be there when it's time for her nap. 

If you get a broken nap but he still sleeps a decent amount of time, then I would try to stick to the normal A time.  It can be tough reading them, I find it's usually trial and error.  And I'm trying not to stress about it too much, which is a LOT easier said than done!  :)

Hugs and hang in there!

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2009, 08:15:22 am »
Hi Barbara,

How long has your DD been playing up with DH at bedtime? With us its been going on for 2 mos now. Fine for naps but at bedtime he will let DH do the bath, massage, story etc but when he comes to give him his bottle he's just inconsolable. I ALWAYS jump in too. I went out for dinner with friends about 6 weeks ago and left DH to it, I ended up having to come home a 9pm as he had been crying the entire time. It was awful.  :'( I am hoping it will change one day but I do feel I am making a rod for my own back by intervening but after a whole day I just want him tucked up in bed the easiest way possible!  ;)
If I find a solution to the problem i'll let you in on the secret!!

 Anyways, I got a 5.45am wake this am which wasn't too bad I think. I put him down at 8.15 for a nap and had a 30  min wake up but he resettled just fine. So here's hoping I am cracking it! Its difficult with that first A as I want to push it but always end up pushing too far. Like you say its all trial and error.

 Of course I have a million things to do today and will end up affecting his naps as it always does but I try to do my errands in the late afternoon after lunchtime feed. Well, its the weekend now and it always goes wrong during weekends also but at least i've got an extra pair of hands aroud to help!

 Em xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2009, 19:47:19 pm »
Hugs on th EW waking hun, I so know how you are feeling on that one.  DD was up this morning at 4:45 this morning  >:( and only had a 45 minute nap all day in nursery  :o

How long was the first nap?  How did the rest of the day go?

I have heard a lot of mums have gone through the problem with not letting one of the parents feed or put to bed.  Have you tried letting DH do the whole bedtime routine and when it comes to doing the bottle, let DH hold him while you sit there too and hold the bottle for him.  If you see DS is drinking fine, ask DH to put his hands on the bottle, see his reaction, if still ok, then you remove your hands, and do a bit of a gradual with drawal and see how he does?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
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Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2009, 20:06:39 pm »
We didn't notice it until a couple of weeks ago when my DH wanted to put her down for her nap.  Somehow I've always been the one to do that.  She just screamed!!!  He tried it another time with the same result.  I haven't had the courage to try it at bedtime.  :-\  Maybe I just have to get out of the house one day and let my DH handle all naps and bedtime.  I just don't want to be able to hear her, because I know I won't be able to just stand back and listen to her scream.


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Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2009, 07:57:23 am »
Hugs Barbara,

It might be worth trying the gradual way and see if that helps at all.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007