Hi again,
Well today was not really great. I'm gonna write it down for you so you can let me know what you think i'm doing wrong!
Awake ? Singing at 4.45am, not sure if he went back to sleep. Got him up at 6.30am
E. 6.50
S. 8 - 8.45 left to resettle but wouldn't
tried to put down again at 10.15 but having none of it!
E. 10.20 Early feed to avoid E clashing with A
S. 11.25 - 12.00 tried from 11.00 to get him asleep
then slept from 1.45 - 2.15 in car
E. 2.30
S. 4.20 - 4.50 We had docs appt so he had to sleep in car again!
E. 6.45
S. 7.20 by the time he fell asleep.
In the morning I did exactly the same as yesterday but to no avail. The day kinda went downhill from there. He has not been too whingey today though. I feel like he is either giving NO cues or is so tired he's beside himself. I am actually getting nervous when putting him down thinking ''oh no what if i've got it wrong again'' then pacing the house. I just dont seem to be getting him these days.

The doc said he had no ear infection or chest infection but that his throat was very red and inflamed. I am beside myself with worry that the reflux is going to come back. I would then have to get Brodie referred which would take ages (well what feels like ages when you have a little refluxer on your hands) I expressed my concerns but he didn't really say anything. Perhaps the food is not enough for him? It always seems to come down to reflux when we are having probs and I hope so much that this time it is not the case.
When he was really bad he used to do this breath holding thing after feeds, DH said he done it tonight after bedtime. He has not been hiccuping though which he always does when it flares up but his feeds have decreased over the last few days, i am hoping its just teeth.
Anyways, I dont know what to think anymore. I know I said i wouldn't whinge only a few posts ago but I am so scared of reflux, it's the pits. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see.
Routine wise I think I put him down too early in the morning, then the rest of the day just went from there. 2 questions for you for tomorrow....
1. If he has a 30 min nap about what A time should I go for afterwards?
2. If he has a 45 min nap what A should I go for afterwards?
I only ask cos his cues seem non existent so I think a bit if clock watching might be in order...what do you think?
Paula - Are you still getting ew's from dd? I really hope not and if you are I hope dh at least gives you a wee lie in this weekend!

Barbara - I seen today what you mean about putting them down when not ready, happened this morining! Thanks!

Anyways, sorry for the looooooong post. Away for my Friday night ablutions....wine, pizza and curly fries and a good dose of tv. Cant wait.
Emma xxx