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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2009, 19:24:32 pm »
Hello Emma and Barbra,

Thanks for the hugs  :-*  DD is 19 months old now  :o not sure where that time went.  I don't think her early wakings are related to routine or anything, she just seems to go through phases, maybe it might be teeth.  I know this week though DH is on earlies so gets up at around 4:30 and she could be in a lighter sleep, and he may wake her  :-\  I don't know.  I don't think it is naps related, as she can nap well and have an EW, and she can have a rubbish nap and still have an EW.  Anyway.  We will plod along.

Fantastic news on the Nap Emma, sounds like he is catching up on sleep nicely.  

With regards to resettling him, have you thought about leaving him and seeing if he would go back off by himself?  I used to do this with DD and she would re-settle again in a few mins.  I would only go into her if she was crying.  Just a thought.

Barbara, great news that your DD is back to napping better.   :o That is a lot of A time.  Sounds like your lo is on the higher end of the A time like my DD was.  My DD increased hers at a rapid rate and was fully transitioned onto 1 nap by 10 months old.

Ok I am thinking Emma, with a great nap like that in the morning, you could probably have pushed his A time to 2.25 hours to see if you got a better nap.

I think the day probably went a bit wonky after that as you put him down at 2.5 hours after an hour nap, so he was probably OT.  I would have probably brought the A time forward and put him down earlier, as he had only had a short nap.

How old is he now?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #61 on: May 21, 2009, 19:37:49 pm »
Hi Emma,

I was just about to say the same things about A time, but Paula beat me to it!  :)  Although...  I'm wondering about that 2h30 A time after the 1h nap...  You tried to put him down after 1h55 but he kept screaming right?  My DD does that when I try to put her down too soon.  I used to think she was OT and I gave her a shorter A time after that which just aggrevated the screaming.  I'm thinking after 1h55 your LO wasn't tired enough, but by the time he fell asleep he was OT. kwim?

What do you think? Forgive me if I've got it all wrong, just reminded me of my DD...

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #62 on: May 21, 2009, 19:40:29 pm »

 I probably should have bumped that 2nd A up but was being slightly overcautious not to ruin a good thing, I'm so desperate to get rid of OT!! he did wake upset from this nap though, but he smiled when i went and got him. It was like he was trying desperatly to get to sleep.

   As for the 3rd A, well panic set in as he was giving me clear as day cues and it was feed time. I just didn't know what to do! E and S totally clashed so by the time I had given him the bottle and got him to bed the sleepy boat had sailed! He was NOT HAPPY!  >:(  It was 2.50 by the time I tried to put him down after the quickest bottle EVER! It was just too late though!

What should I do when that happens?

I always leave him to see if he will go back to sleep, extension is too hard these days. Its actually physically exhausting now too as he gets so angry and flails and 'punches.' He broke my necklace yesterday.  >:(  

This is where my next prob lies, I dont know what his true A is, not his OT A iykwim? ( does that make any sense to you!?!) He is just over 5mos...I know where does the time go eh?

I am gutted that he STILL went to bed OT tonight despite all mine and his efforts today.

We will see what tomorrow brings!

Brodie is a real light sleeper too which is why our day starts when dh gets up for work as Brodie will wake anyways ( well, back in the day before 5am was party time!). Very frustrating I know! I hope you get on top of them. It must be even more difficult when you cant do a wee tweak to sort it out.

Barbara - posted at the same time. Was def tired here, no doubt about it. Yawning, fussing, rubbing eyes and falling asleep on the bottle. I do think the previous A should have been pushed though. Must be braver!


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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #63 on: May 21, 2009, 19:45:30 pm »
And again...thankyou so much for hashing this out with me girls. Brodie and I are both really grateful! And so will DH be when he doesn't wake at 5am every day.... :P

 Hugs all round.  :-* :-* :-*

Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #64 on: May 21, 2009, 19:49:27 pm »
We are here with you every step of the way hun.

I know how hard it can be when you are sleep deprived.

Although my DD was a textbook baby, if her A time was wrong, or her naps did not go well, it was really hard to try and get a good routine.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2009, 07:48:16 am »
 Thankyou Paula.  :-*

 Well last night he settled for bed great eventually. my friend and I were 'skyping' for the 1st time last night ( she lives USA) and the sound comes through the stereo. We didn't realise that it would be so loud and then the dogs freaked out at a persons voice booming out of the speakers, total carnage ensued! Brodie woke, dogs went mental, Brodie had a coughing fit, I panicked, dogs went mental again, I cried, my friend was like ''what the...''  Thankfully we got the dogs to calm down and it was just about DF time so we gave it to him early and all was well. But.....

 He has been coughing alot over the last 2 days and quite congested, he only took a tiny amount for DF last night....usually best feed of the day! I'm thinking either reflux playing up, ear infection or teeth. Going to take him to see gp today.

 Oh bugger....45 mins is up, oh well better than 30 mins I suppose. Post back later....

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2009, 18:47:52 pm »
 Hi again,

 Well today was not really great. I'm gonna write it down for you so you can let me know what you think i'm doing wrong!

 Awake ? Singing at 4.45am, not sure if he went back to sleep. Got him up at 6.30am

E. 6.50
S. 8 - 8.45 left to resettle but wouldn't

 tried to put down again at 10.15 but having none of it!

E. 10.20 Early feed to avoid E clashing with A
S. 11.25 - 12.00 tried from 11.00 to get him asleep

then slept from 1.45 - 2.15 in car

E. 2.30
S. 4.20 - 4.50 We had docs appt so he had to sleep in car again!

E. 6.45
S. 7.20 by the time he fell asleep.

 In the morning I did exactly the same as yesterday but to no avail. The day kinda went downhill from there. He has not been too whingey today though. I feel like he is either giving NO cues or is so tired he's beside himself. I am actually getting nervous when putting him down thinking ''oh no what if i've got it wrong again'' then pacing the house. I just dont seem to be getting him these days.  :'(

 The doc said he had no ear infection or chest infection but that his throat was very red and inflamed. I am beside myself with worry that the reflux is going to come back. I would then have to get Brodie referred which would take ages (well what feels like ages when you have a little refluxer on your hands) I expressed my concerns but he didn't really say anything. Perhaps the food is not enough for him? It always seems to come down to reflux when we are having probs and I hope so much that this time it is not the case.

 When he was really bad he used to do this breath holding thing after feeds, DH said he done it tonight after bedtime. He has not been hiccuping though which he always does when it flares up but his feeds have decreased over the last few days, i am hoping its just teeth.

 Anyways, I dont know what to think anymore. I know I said i wouldn't whinge only a few posts ago but I am so scared of reflux, it's the pits. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see.

Routine wise I think I put him down too early in the morning, then the rest of the day just went from there. 2 questions for you for tomorrow....

1. If he has a 30 min nap about what A time should I go for afterwards?
2. If he has a 45 min nap what A should I go for afterwards?

 I only ask cos his cues seem non existent so I think a bit if clock watching might be in order...what do you think?

 Paula - Are you still getting ew's from dd? I really hope not and if you are I hope dh at least gives you a wee lie in this weekend!  ;)

 Barbara - I seen today what you mean about putting them down when not ready, happened this morining! Thanks! ;)

 Anyways, sorry for the looooooong post. Away for my Friday night, pizza and curly fries and a good dose of tv. Cant wait.

Emma xxx

Offline Beata

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2009, 19:14:47 pm »
Hope you don't mind me following this tread Emma! I hope you have a SUPER weekend...mmm pizza - dd2 has dairy intolerance and I am dying for pizza or a milkshake!

HUGS and I hope it's not reflux flaring up again!

We are in a similar place with schedules :( But I've put down my foot today. When I am stressing too much, I get us out of the house...window shopping, walking, whatever to get both our minds off the "routine."

We are drifting toward a 3 hour awake time (at 2.5+these days) It's so twisted now because it's not a straight 4 hour sometimes I feed before a nap and sometimes after, especially when there is an EW. Argh. THe only thing I have vowed these days is to keep the BF at 4 hours. Lunch and dinner solids in between. Tonight DH and I are going cold turkey on the night feeds (tons of AP).

I think if a 45 minute nap the advice is 45 minutes LESS of the normal following awake time. Not sure for the 30 minutes...but this morning we had a 25 minute nap (EW at 6, nap at 8) and I kept Elli up until 10:30 and she slept until 12:15 (I fed before the nap :( because first feed was at 6:15ish).

Anyhow, hope for a GREAT night for you and the bub!

Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2009, 19:35:12 pm »
Hi Beata, welcome to the thread  :-*

Huge hugs Emma :-* I hate to say it, but Reflux is jumping out at me too  :'( If he is teething, this could be why the reflux is flaring up and causing discomfort.  Apparently teething can make their stomach acid more acidic.  The congestion, red throat etc are all signs.

I know when DD's reflux flared up it affected her night sleep as this is the only milk feed we do.  Anyway, she would have 3-4 hour NW's and loads of EW's too.

Can you ask your GP for a referral just to put your mind at ease?  At least then you will be on the Paeds patient list and if you have any issues, you can ring them directly.

If it is reflux that is flaring up and bothering him, then it is going to be hard for him to get back on track until he is more comfortable.

Is he only on the Enfamil AR?  Or does he have any meds with it?  I know that the GP's do prescribe Ranitide (zantac), so might be worth asking them if they think this will help.  Remember though that this meds dosage does go on their weight.  Anything stronger than this, I know is only prescribed by paeds.

Thanks for asking.  Thankfully we had a full nights sleep.  I had no NW's at all for the dummy (she must of heard me talking about weaning it  :P), and she woke just before 7am.  Now if only DS got that memo about the lay in.  He was up at 6:30, but was happy to go back to bed and sing until it was time to get up.

Huge hugs again hun, hope the weekend goes ok for you :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #69 on: May 23, 2009, 08:08:08 am »
Hugs to you Paula and Emma,

I have no experience with reflux, so can't give you any advice there, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I agree with Beata, try to get out of the house now and then to just enjoy your LO's! My DD didn't nap well yesterday (3x45min) but I was determined to stay calm and had a really great day with her!  :)  The weather's nice out here, 8) so we spend a lot of time in the garden.  Don't know how she slept last night though as we left her with IL's.  DH and I went out and were able to sleep in this morning! Yay!!  ;D

Hope all of you have a great weekend!  And relaaaaaaaaaax!  ;)

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2009, 09:51:41 am »
 Morning Ladies! Hi Beata.  :-*

 How old is your LO Beata? Just wanted to get an idea of different peoples A time for their LO's.

Great news for you Paula, I hope it continues and I hope DH gave you that lie in!  ;)

Barbara, i too am taking easy with EASY. I didn't panic yesterday when he ad rubbish naps and just went out into the garden, he wasn't too bad. I just need to keep him entertained to keep his mind off whatever is bpthering him at the moment.

 Today has been a great day so far. No EW, or so we think. Didn't hear anything on the monitor until 6.15, it then went quiet 5 mins later and we got him up at 7, he was awake when I went in. He went down for a nap at 8.45 and is now coming up to the 2 hour mark!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Its great as it means I can shoot for a half decent A time today. I am not going to do w2s tonight as I hope that with getting rid of the OT naps and getting good A today will mean hopefully that we have tackled them....what do you folks think? If he does EW then I am going to do it tomorrow.

 DH and I are on tenterhooks worrying that the reflux is flaring up but we are tryong tp relax about it. I am going to take the referral anyways to discuss it with a pead in the future.

 Anyways the sun is out and I'm off to enjoy it.

 Hugs all round my friends.

Emma xxx

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #71 on: May 23, 2009, 12:06:01 pm »
Hello ladies  :-*

Emma great news on the good night and no EW's and great nap.  Fingers crossed that Brodie is over the OT'ness, and you can have a great day today.

No such luck of a lie in for me today  >:( Both kids slept until 7:45ish this morning, but for some reason I was awake at 5am  >:( >:( I tried to get back t sleep, but basically tossed and turned.  Oh well.

Emma, I really hope that it is not the reflux flaring up.  Sending loads of {{{{{ Stay Away Reflux }}}}} Vibes your way.

Please keep us posted on your day.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline Barbaara

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #72 on: May 23, 2009, 14:17:45 pm »
Great news Emma!!  I'm thinking the EW might go away on their own once you're routine is going well again.

Enjoy the day!  :-* :-*
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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #73 on: May 23, 2009, 22:50:38 pm »
Hope your weekend is going well!

Emma - Elli is 6 mo and a few days. She can usually do 2.5 - 2.75 A time...I am hoping we can reach the 3 hour mark soon.

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #74 on: May 24, 2009, 07:36:39 am »
How was the rest of the day and night Emma?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007