Haha Paula...thats the problem with sleep....the more you get the more you want!!

Thats so sweet about DH just wanting to look at her. How cute!

Beata - I think thats awesome progress with the night feeds, keep going as it souds like you're doing a fab job!

Yesterday went ok, got a 1.75 hour nap in the am. I did 2.25 A time after and got 45 mins. So 2.5 is too much and 2.25 is too little, I guess he's just one of these cretins whop needs A to be spot on to get a good nap. After that we got a 30 min nap....SHOCKER!!!! Oh well...early to bed for him!
We had an EW this am but I knew it was going to happen. I can tell as he's always really unsettled when we put him down and just wakes intermittently between bedtime and df. We usually dont need to go to him as he puts himself back to sleep but I know the EW is coming!
So it was about 5-5.30 when he woke and we got him up at 6, put him down at 7.50 for a nap and he's waking now but I am going to leave him. (40 mins) He was sooo tired though, I couldn't keep him up any longer.
When DH does weekend AM's ( I am one lucky lady!). He told me that he wakes for every AM nap at either 30 or 45 mins. Sometimes he puts himself back to sleep or sometimes he can whinge for up to 20-25mins but either way he said he turns down the monitor and leaves him to it. I think i rush in too quickly.
I have let these EW's go on too long now, they are driving me mad. I can kind of handle rubbish naps as long as he's happy. Must get a grip and try w2s to nip them in the bud. Every time I think we are making progress they crop up again.

I think today will be a total mess but its ok. I am not going to get frustrated or sad, just going to get on with it as best I can.
DH and I have a sitter on Sat night (SIL) as we are going out for a meal. Really dreading it as he's so unsettled between bedtime and df. Hoping all will be well for that.
Emma xxx