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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #75 on: May 24, 2009, 07:44:26 am »
 Well it turns out ( i hope!) that Brodie just has a really bad cold. He is bunged up with snot, he is NW'ing and not settling well but understandable as he also has a bad cough too. I am having to go in at night and actually clear his nose of snot as he is not able to breathe properly, the tummy sleeping doesn't help!  ::)

 After the 2 hour nap yesterday, he did 2.5 hours A time and (surprise) I only got a 30 min nap so now I know that he more on the 2.25 side of things. He was giving me absolutely NO cues though. MMMMmmmmmmm....little monkey! After that we had NO nap as he was just all over the shop, not to worry though. We live and learn, I also think his A's might be on the shorter side anyways as he's really feeling sorry for himself.

Anyways, just doing a very loose easy at the mo until his wee cold clears up. He is just like his father, doesn't handle being sick very well.  ;) I do feel for the wee guy though, he keeps sneezing and snot flies everywhere so I am now officially one of those Mums who has a hanky to hand!

 NOt doing w2s this weekend as he's waking at night anyways from being so congested. He is sleeping so light at the moment that I know he would wake fully!

 OMG, Paula...both kids sleeping in until 7.45, thats a good enough lie in for me! It sucks that you were awake at 5 though. Its always the way though, my long lie was yesterday and I ended up getting up anyways at 6.30, why oh why???!!!

 Anyhoo got to run, hope you are all well and getting great weather for the bank holiday weekend.  :-*

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #76 on: May 24, 2009, 08:11:41 am »
Huge hugs hun, I am sorry that Brodie is not feeling well.  It is so hard to see them when they are so unwell.  I hope that he sleeps better for you today :-*

Have you tried a humedifier or some vicks dissolved in a bowl of warm water under his cot to help clear his room?  Also when my lo's had a cold, I used baby Karvol - the drops that you use on their sheet and their clothes.  This really helped for us.

Huge hugs hun, I really hope he is feeling better for you :-*

The weather looks like it is going to be lovely here today.  Fingers crossed, might go out for a nice walk with the kids and clear my head from our EW with DD :-\
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2009, 07:47:32 am »
 HI folks!

Hope you all had a good weekend. As usual the bank holday mayhem sent EASY out the window but we got a couple of good naps and yesterday DH and I worked really hard on catching him up on his sleep. He had a good nap in the morning and then a series of catnaps throughout the day. He was still catnapping at 5.20pm last night and then was ready for bed at 6.30!!! i think he is just a wee tired man at the mo, this wee cold has really knocked him for six...bless him! He is so much better though and the vicks and karvol really did the trich last night.

We has no NW or EW this morning, both DH and I went to bed at 8pm and set the alarm for DF expecting numerous NW's as we had them all over the weekend but not a peep until 6 this morning. I was so zonked that I didn't hear DH get up to DF!! I guess the whole house needed a catch up.  ;)

 I get nervous when this happens though as I know that I need to use today to my advantage to get naps and A's just right. He went down at 8.15 this morning so i'm hoping for a good nap so I can shoot for a 2.25 A time before the next nap.

 How are the EW's going for you Paula? Have you got on top of them yet?

 Beata, how did dropping the night feeds go?

Anyhoo, there we have it, I wimped out of W2S yet again but surely it cant be habitual if he didn't do it last night??? Mmmmmm....dont know!

 Emma xxx

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2009, 17:41:14 pm »
Hi Emma,

Great news that he is starting to feel a little better.  Poor little man.

Great news on such a great night, he must have really been feeling poorly, all that sleep will make him feel so much better.  He must have really needed it.

How did today go?

Our EW's were ok, not too bad thanks.  Some days I just think she does not need as much sleep as others.  Today she was up at 6:30 so not too bad and yesterday DS woke her up cause he wanted to look at her >:( It was 7:45 so I guess I cannot complan really, but I did get to lie in as DH got up with the kids and I slept until nearly 9:30  ;D

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2009, 19:38:32 pm »
Oh Paula - 9:30, that sounds luxurious!

Emma - it's interesting to me that when we just can't seem to deal with the lack of sleep anymore, we have a great someone saying okay I'll give you a bit of mercy...that's all you can take, IYKWIM. SO glad to hear things are looking up. Maybe you'll be able to tell what going on with a few descent nights under your belt.

Thanks for asking about the night feeds...we are working on it. We had 2 nights going 9:30 - 6/7 and two nights just 6 hours. We'll get there. I am on a mission, but don't want to be to crazy. Today dd1 and dd2 got shots :( so we'll see how they feel tonight and for the next couple of days.

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2009, 19:46:36 pm »
Thanks Beata, the lie in was lovely.  But strangely enough, I did feel more tired when I actually got up.  SIGH, I guess we are never happy  :P

Things will improve over time hun.  You are doing a great job  :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2009, 07:37:26 am »
 Haha Paula...thats the problem with sleep....the more you get the more you want!!  ::) Thats so sweet about DH just wanting to look at her. How cute!  :)

Beata - I think thats awesome progress with the night feeds, keep going as it souds like you're doing a fab job!  ;)

 Yesterday went ok, got a 1.75 hour nap in the am. I did 2.25 A time after and got 45 mins. So 2.5 is too much and 2.25 is too little, I guess he's just one of these cretins whop needs A to be spot on to get a good nap. After that we got a 30 min nap....SHOCKER!!!! Oh well...early to bed for him!

 We had an EW this am but I knew it was going to happen. I can tell as he's always really unsettled when we put him down and just wakes intermittently between bedtime and df. We usually dont need to go to him as he puts himself back to sleep but I know the EW is coming!

 So it was about 5-5.30 when he woke and we got him up at 6, put him down at 7.50 for a nap and he's waking now but I am going to leave him. (40 mins) He was sooo tired though, I couldn't keep him up any longer.

 When DH does weekend AM's ( I am one lucky lady!). He told me that he wakes for every AM nap at either 30 or 45 mins. Sometimes he puts himself back to sleep or sometimes he can whinge for up to 20-25mins but either way he said he turns down the monitor and leaves him to it. I think i rush in too quickly.

 I have let these EW's go on too long now, they are driving me mad. I can kind of handle rubbish naps as long as he's happy. Must get a grip and try w2s to nip them in the bud. Every time I think we are making progress they crop up again.  >:(

 I think today will be a total mess but its ok. I am not going to get frustrated or sad, just going to get on with it as best I can.

 DH and I have a sitter on Sat night (SIL) as we are going out for a meal. Really dreading it as he's so unsettled between bedtime and df. Hoping all will be well for that.

 Emma xxx

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2009, 19:19:59 pm »
Hugs hun, so sorry about the EW.  I am wondering if W2S is actually going to work as I am thinking that the EW's are due to the OT'ness from nap time.  I am thinking that if we get the A time 100% then the EW's might actually work themselves out.  What to do you think? :-\

I am thinking that if you get a good nap in the morning, it might be worth trying 2 hours 20 mins and see what you get?

Great news on the night out.  I would not worry about if he is unsettled or not, I am sure your SIL will do a fantastic job, and if she does some AP, then so what, you are out having a good time, and you know that your DS is in good hands.  Hope you have a fantastic time.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #83 on: June 02, 2009, 20:04:38 pm »
How Emma, how's everything going with you?  Are you getting better naps yet?

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #84 on: June 02, 2009, 20:11:50 pm »
Fingers crossed things are going better Emma  :-*

Barbara, how are things going with you?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #85 on: June 03, 2009, 07:44:27 am »
 Hi Folks,

Not really been on much these days....the weather is too good!! Naps are still off and I have no idea what his magic A number is but its ok. Still getting ew's but not consistently, had one this am at 5 and he was down for 7.45 this morning...he's gone past 30 mins and 45 is just coming up and he's stirring but I'm hopeful. He still has this nasty cold and he's quite chesty, both DH and I got it too and we felt awful so I really feel for the wee soul.

 2 days ago he had NO morning nap, just would not go down. I put him down for a nap later and he slept for 2 hours!! I just have no idea whats going on with him. Yesterday he slept for 30 mins ALL DAY!!  :o :o :o Mmmmmm no wonder I got an EW!!! Not been feeling myself lately so having to take it it easy and not get to wrapped up in things, I'm basically just trying to keep OT at bay the best I can and fitting the rest of the day around that. I have resolved to do no AP though and I'm sticking to it!

 How are things with you folks?

Emma xxx

YAY! We are up to an hour ladies must be my lucky charm!  :-* :-* :-*

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #86 on: June 03, 2009, 18:58:47 pm »
Glad we can help Emma!  ;D

We're doing okay.  Good days and not so good days where naps are concerned, but as she's in daycare all week I'm not around during the day to get stressed out about it!  ;)

My DD hasn't been eating much at all these past 2 days and she's a little grumpier than usual. Wondering if she's teething.  She'll be 6 mo old on Sunday so I'm expecting that first tooth to poke through fairly soon.

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Offline * Paula *

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #87 on: June 03, 2009, 20:03:29 pm »
YAY, hope that you got a nice long nap out of him Emma  :-*

The weather has been gorgeous hasnt it?  We had the paddling pool out on the weekend at MIL's and I had to fight to get Abi to take a nap.  I put her in the pram, layed it down, and covered it up.  She moaned and moaned, but I got an hour and 20 mins out of her.  Nto the greatest, but it was a nap  ;D

Hugs Barbara, definitely sounds like teething to me.  Hopefully she will have a tooth poking through very soon.  Love your new avatar BTW  :-*

Keep us posted.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2009, 06:51:36 am »
 Sorry Barbara, meant to the new avatar too! Very cute!  8)

 I've been dying to buy a wee paddling pool for Brodie but I think the dogs might get in first!! I think when the sun is out the kiddies just get a wee bit too excited...just think though, it can only get worse as they get older!!!

 Hugs on the teething Barbara. Thankfully Brodie's has resided for the moment. You LO is nearly exactly the same age as Brodie, he'll be 6 mos on Tuesday. I cant believe how quick it has gone.
  We are starting solids at the weekend but I have been giving him little bits of fruit and he LOVES it, especially banana. Is banana constipating? I just want to be aware of what food are so I can be careful with them as he's so prone.

 Well I am going in to work today. My spaniel Poppy has broken her foot and I need to xray her and then the vet is going to either pin or amputate her toe. Leaving Brodie with MIL (arghh!!) so i am nervous about how that will go. So i'm thinking there will be no EASY today which is a shame cos he slept until 6.15 this am!! Typical! ::) In fact I was kinda hoping for an ew so I could get a nap before I took him round there but no such luck!

 WIsh me luck for today....poor puppy and poor Brodie! I have never left him before so this is all new to me.  :'(

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Re: All over the place.....
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2009, 07:58:12 am »
Thank Paula and Emma!  ;D

(((Hugs))) Good luck Emma!  I remember the first time I left Axelle with my MIL.  I couldn't stop thinking about her at all, but she had a great time (the IL's as well  :)) and it does get easier.

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